
бисёр: very

Дарахти бодом бисёр зебост.
The almond tree is very beautiful.
Паррандаҳои соҳибчангол, масалан бум, шабона бисёр хуб мебинад.
Clawed birds, for example owls, see very well at night.

The first sentence would be better translated “Almond trees are very beautiful”, even though in Tajik the sentence is written in singular.

The word “бисёр” means “very” when used with an adjective, but it can also mean “a lot” when used with verbs and  “many” when used with nouns. For example –
бисёр фикр мекунад: he thinks a lot
бисёр гап мезананд: they talk a lot
бисёр ҳайвонот: many animals
бисёр мамлакатҳо: many countries

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