пайравӣ кардан

пайравӣ кардан: to follow

Маро пайравӣ накун!
Don’t follow me!
Шумо ба кӣ пайравӣ карданӣ ҳастед?
Who do you want to follow?

Synonyms: таъқиб кардан

You can use this verb for following somebody physically, for following somebody’s teaching, for following something (like an example), or pursuing something (like wealth).

пайрав: follower

вобаста ба

вобаста ба: according to, related to

Меваи зардолу вобаста ба навъҳояш ранги сафед, зард ё гулобӣ дорад.
Apricots are white, yellow or pink according to their type.
Мӯҳлати кишти пахта, вобаста ба шароитҳои иқлимии ноҳияҳо, аз моҳи апрел шуруъ шуда, то аввали моҳи май давом мекунад.
The time for sowing cotton, according to the conditions of the regions’ climate, starts in April and continues to the beginning of May.

вобаста ба ин: related to this
вобаста кардан: to connect, to relate


сӯзан: needle

Интихоби сӯзан ва ришта ба ғафсии матоъ вобаста аст.
The choice of needle and thread is related to the thickness of the material.
Сӯзанҳои сӯрохиашон калонро барои гулдӯзӣ истифода мебаранд.
Large eyed needles are used for embroidery.

сӯрохи сӯзан: eye of a needle
нӯги сӯзан: point of a needle
сӯзанак: pin

сӯзанбарг: conifer (tree with needles)

сӯзан партоед, ба замин намеғалтад: throw a needle, and it won’t fall to the ground (said when there are a lot of people in one place)


калон: big, large

Кӯлҳои Авруосиё калон ва чуқуранд.
The lakes of Eurasia are large and deep.
Вай тӯрро пур аз моҳиёни калон ба хушкӣ кашид.
He pulled the net full of big fish on to dry land.

калонтар: bigger
калонтарин: biggest
аз ҳама калон: biggest of all
каппа-калон: very big (colloquial)

калонҷусса: large-bodied (as an animal or tree)
калонсол: old (in age)
роҳи калон: a wide road, a main road
калону хурд: big and small
калон шудан: to get big, to grow up
калон кардан: to raise (as in raise your children)
модаркалон: grandmother
падаркалон: grandfather
бибикалон: great-grandmother
бобокалон: great-grandfather

Калон can also to used to convey importance.
муаллими калон: head-teacher


осорхона: museum

Шумо осорхонаро дидаед?
Have you seen the museum?
Ню-Йорк дорои чандин театру осорхонаҳои таърихию фарҳангӣ мебошад.
New York has several theatres and museums of history and culture.

Synonym: музей

осорхонаи таърихӣ: history museum
осорхонаи фарҳангӣ: cultural museum
осорхонаи миллии Тоҷикистон: national museum of Tajikistan
осорхонаи миллии бостоншиносӣ: national museum of archaeology

In the second sentence, notice that the word театр doesn’t have the plural ending. In Tajik, when you have a list of plurals the plural ending (ҳо) only has to be on the last item in the list.


номидан: to call, to name

Вай Закарё ном дошт ва занашро Элисобат меномиданд.
He was called Zachariah and his wife was named Elizabeth.
Дар чоркунҷа суммаи дарозии тарафҳоро периметр меноманд.
The sum of the lengths of the sides in a square is called the perimeter.

Synonym: ном додан

In Tajik it is less common to use the passive voice and more common to use the third person plural, as both of these sentences show. We could translate the first sentence, “He had the name Zachariah and they named his wife Elizabeth.” We could translate the second sentence, “They call the sum of the lengths of the sides in a square the perimeter.”

боғи ботаникӣ

боғи ботаникӣ: botanic garden

Дар шаҳрҳои калони Австралия боғҳои ботаникӣ мавҷданд.
In the big cities of Australia there are botanic gardens.
Дар боғи ботаникии шаҳри Душанбе садҳо дарахту буттаҳо аз тамоми гӯшаҳои ҷаҳон ҷамъ оварда шудаанд.
In the botanic garden of the city of Dushanbe hundreds of trees and bushes from every corner of the world have been gathered.

You can’t have the letter ӣ in the middle of a word. In the second sentence, there is added information after “боғи ботаникӣ”, that is, which botanic garden, the one in the city of Dushanbe. To connect that an extra и has to be added to the end of ботаникӣ, and the letter ӣ must also be changed to и.

ботаник: botanist (also гиёҳшинос)
ботаника: botany (also гиёҳшиносӣ)

Interesting fact: According to the Guinness Book of World Records, the botanic garden in Khorog is the highest in the world. You can read more about that garden here: Боғи Нодир.

The botanic garden in Dushanbe is in this list of top 10 places to visit in Dushanbe. Read about it and the other places here: 10 ҷойи ҷолиби Душанбе.

For more information on the Dushanbe botanic garden and its history, see this article on Wikipedia: Боғи Ирам.


шогирд: disciple, student

Шогирди хуб он аст, ки ҳар чӣ аз устод омӯхта бошад, ба кор бурда тавонад.
A good student is he who can use everything he learns from his teacher.
Шогирди беҳтарини Ҷомӣ шоири ӯзбекзабон Алишер Навоӣ буд.
Jomi’s best disciple was the Uzbek poet Alisher Navoi.

Synonyms: хонанда, талаба, дарсхон

шогирдӣ: discipleship, apprenticeship
шогирдона: like a disciple

ба кор бурдан

ба кор бурдан: to use

Мо медонем, ки шариат нек аст, кас агар онро ба дурустӣ ба кор барад.
We know that the law is good if a person uses it correctly.
Дар баъзе мамлакатҳо оби гарми чашмаҳоро барои гарм кардани хонаҳо ба кор мебаранд.
In some countries they use water from hot springs for heating houses.

Synonyms: истифода бурдан, кор фармудан

корбурд: use (noun)


юнонӣ: Greek

Падари Тимотиюс юнонӣ буд.
Timothy’s father was Greek.
Харита аз калимаи юнонӣ гирифта шуда маънояш варақ мебошад.
Map comes from a Greek word whose meaning is sheet (of paper).

забони юнонӣ: Greek language
алифбои юнонӣ: Greek alphabet
юнониён: Greeks, the Greek (people)

Юнон: Greece
Юнони қадим: Ancient Greece