ифода кардан

ифода кардан: to express

Мо фикрамонро бо ҷумла ифода мекунем.
We express our thought with a sentence.
Суръати бодро бо километр дар соат ифода мекунанд.
The speed of the wind is expressed with kilometres per hour

Synonyms: баён кардан, фаҳмондан

ифоданок: with expression, expressively, with meaning

The first sentence could also be translated “We express our thoughts with sentences”. In Tajik the singular is often used in instances where the plural would be used in English.

The second sentence could also be translated “They express the speed of the wind with kilometers per hour”. In Tajik, the third person plural is often used in the sense of “one” as in “One expresses the speed of the wind with kilometres per hour”.


қутос: yak

Дар мамлакати мо қутосҳо дар Помир дучор мешаванд.
In our country yaks can be found in the Pamirs.
Шири қутос аз шири гов бисёр фарқ мекунад.
Yak milk is very different from cow milk.

қутоси ваҳшӣ: wild yak
қутоси хонагӣ: domestic yak
қутоспарвар: yak farmer
қутоспарварӣ: yak farming (raising)


андак: a little (bit), a small amount

Андак сабр кунед, ман зуд меоям.
Be a little bit patient; I will come quickly.
Пеши Ӯ як порча моҳии бирён ва андак асали мумдор монданд.
They put one portion of fried fish and a small amount of honeycomb in front of him.

In Tajik you can sometimes repeat the word to give it more emphasis, for example, андак-андак. Sometimes the word is changed a bit as in андак-мундак (a very little bit). Other examples of this are сип-сиёҳ (very black), калон-калон or кап-калон (very big), and тип-торик (very dark).

дар андак муддат: in a little while


хондан: to read

Ин китобро хондӣ?
Did you read this book?
Додарам дар айёми бачагӣ хондан ва навиштанро дӯст медошт.
My little brother in his childhood loved to read and to write.

The verb хондан has several other translations including to name, to study and to call. The translation is determined from the context. For example:
Ман дар институт мехонам. I study at the university.
Ман туро бародар мехонам. I call (name) you my brother. (You are like a brother to me.)
Ман Худоро мехонам. I call (out) to God.

суруд хондан: to sing (a song)


расидан: to arrive

Ман ба хона расидам.
I arrived at home.
Чун вақти зоидани Элишабаъ расид, ӯ писаре зоид.
When the time for Elizabeth to give birth arrived, she gave birth to a son.

This word can be used in a lot of contexts; people can arrive, letters can arrive, seasons can arrive, news can arrive etc. It can be translated “to reach” in certain situations, for example, you can reach (or arrive at) a certain age.

ба охир расидан: to end, to come to an end
ба пирӣ расидан: to reach old age
ба синни мактабӣ расидан: to reach school age


барф: snow

Дар Замин об дар шакли моеъ, барф ва ях дучор мешавад.
On earth water is found in the form of liquid, snow and ice.
Дарёҳои Осиёи Миёна, аз ҷумла Тоҷикистон оби худро асосан аз барф мегиранд.
The rivers of Central Asia, including Tajikistan get their water mostly from snow.

барфи тар: wet snow
барф барин сафед: white as snow

Add the suffix ӣ to make this word an adjective.
барфӣ: snow (adj.), of snow
одамӣ барфӣ: snowman

Learn more weather words here: TalkTajikToday – tag:weather, or by reading the weather forecast.


муҳаббат: love

Муҳаббат пурсабр ва меҳрубон аст.
Love is patient and kind.
Ҳасан аробакаш мебошад ва ба аспу аробаи худ муҳаббати бепоён дорад.
Hassan is a cart-puller and he has a deep love for his horse and cart.

Synonyms: ишқ, дӯстдорӣ

муҳаббатомез, муҳаббатнок: lovingly, affectionately

аробакаш – somebody who makes a living carting things for people. Sometimes the cart is pulled by hand (as you can see at most markets) and sometimes by a horse.

бепоён could also be translated as bottomless or endless.


ҳаёт: life

Ҳаётро бе қувваи Офтоб тасаввур кардан ғайриимкон аст.
It is impossible to imagine life without the power of the sun.
Чӣ кори нек кунам, то ҳаёти абадӣ ёбам?
What good work should I do to find eternal life?

Synonyms: умр, зист, зиндагӣ

ҳаёту мамот: life and death

Add the suffix ӣ to change the word from a noun to an adjective.
таҷрибаи ҳаётӣ: life experience


ғайриимкон: impossible

Сохтани роҳ дар кӯҳҳо ниҳоят душвор, серхароҷот ва ҳатто дар баъзе ҷойҳо ғайриимкон аст.
Building roads in the mountains is extremely difficult, costly and even in some places impossible.
Барои Худо ҳеҷ чизи ғайриимкон нест.
For God nothing is impossible

имкон: possibility (noun)

The prefix ғаири means “without”, “outside” or “except for” so you can think of ғайриимкон as “without possibility”.

Other words with suffix ғаири –
ғайриилмӣ: unscientific
ғайримактабӣ: extra-curricular, outside of school
ғайрикорӣ: outside of work (or working hours)
ғайрикофӣ: not enough, insufficient
ғайримаҷбурӣ: without force, non-compulsory


ятим: orphan

Аз ҳама гандатар се чиз аст: якум дуздӣ, дуюм ятимонро озор додан, сеюм бахилӣ. (Сотим Улуғзода)
Three things are worse than all: first theft, second to mistreat the orphans, third greed.
Ӯ дар тифлӣ аз падар ятим мондааст.
He was left an orphan in his childhood by his father (by his father’s death).

Synonym: сағир

ятимхона: orphanage