Word A Day


кушода: open

Тирезаи хона кушода буд.
The window of the house was open.
Дар кушода шуд ва мо даромадем.
The door opened and we went in.

осмони кушода: open sky
кушода шудани гул: opening of flowers; blooming

The word кушода can be combined with several helping verbs –
кушода кардан: to open
кушода мондан: to leave open
кушода додан: to reveal

Tajik Proverb
Як дари баста, сад дари кушода.
There is one closed door, but one hundred open doors.

аз ҷиҳати

аз ҷиҳати: from the aspect of, according to, regarding

Вай аз ҷиҳати ҷисм аз насли Довуд ба дунё омадааст.
He was born from the lineage of David according to the flesh.
Уқёнуси Атлантик аз ҷиҳати бузургии масоҳат ва чуқуриаш пас аз уқёнуси Ором дар ҷои дуюм меистад.
The Atlantic Ocean from the aspect of its greatness of area and depth takes second place after the Pacific Ocean.

ҷиҳат: direction, side, aspect, position
аз ҳар ҷиҳат: from every aspect, from all sides

ҷиҳат can also mean cause, reason
аз ҳамин ҷиҳат: for this reason


бозича: toy

Ман барои писарам бозича харидам.
I bought a toy for my son.
Мо дар қуттии калон бозичаҳои бисёр доштем.
We had lots of toys in a big box.

бозичафурӯш: toy seller
бозичафурӯшӣ: toy selling
бозӣ: game
бозӣ кардан: to play

This word is also used for Christmas ornaments that are hung on a Christmas tree (or New Year’s tree).

You can read a short paragraph about toys on Tajik Wikipedia: Бозича

машғул шудан

машғул шудан: to be busy, to be occupied

Ҳама ба ошхӯрӣ машғул шуданд.
Everyone has become occupied with eating their meal.
Саҳарӣ барвақт хеста, ба тарбияи бадан машғул мешавад.
Early in the morning he gets up and gets busy with his exercises.

Synonym: саргарм шудан

Ош has two meanings. It can mean a meal, or it can mean the Tajik version of pilau.


ҳама: everyone

Ҳама ӯро мешиносад.
Everyone knows him.
Ҳама бояд тарафдори сулҳ бошад.
Everyone must be a supporter of peace.

ҳама also means all, every
ҳама чиз: all things, every thing
ҳама гуна: all kinds, every kind

It can also mean all of, the whole
ҳама шаб: the whole evening


девор: wall

Дар девор харитаи осмон овехтам.
I hung a map of the sky on the wall.
Вай савора омада, дар сояи девори баланде қарор гифифт.
He rode up, and rested in the shade of a tall wall.

девори калъа: castle wall, fortress wall
девори шаҳр: city wall
девори похса: mud wall

There are several verbs for “to build a wall” – девор сохтан, девор кашидан, девор задан, девор кардан

To make wall into an adjective, add the suffix ӣ.
соати деворӣ: wall clock

Tajik saying:
Девор муш дорад, муш гӯш дорад.
Walls have mice, mice have ears.
It means, be careful when telling a secret because you don’t know who might be listening.


афтондан: to drop, to make fall

Нонро партофтан ва ё ба замин афтондан мумкин нест.
To throw bread or to drop it on the ground is not allowed.
Дар Тоҷикистон бисёр дарахтҳои кӯҳна афтонданд.
In Tajikistan they have felled a lot of old trees.

Some Tajik verbs can be made into causative verbs by inserting он in the verb.
афтидан: to fall
афтондан: to drop, to make fall

More examples –
фаҳмидан: to understand
фаҳмондан: to explain (to make someone understand)
кӯчидан: to move
кӯчондан: to make someone move, to evict
хандидан: to laugh
хандондан: to make somebody laugh
тарсидан: to be scared
тарсондан: to scare (someone else)


бор: time

Рафиқам се бор ба Москва рафтааст.
My friend has gone to Moscow three times.
Ин китоби бадеиро якчанд бор хондам.
I read this novel several times.

бори дигар: another time
аввалин бор: first time

Tajik Proverb –
Кӯр як бор дар чоҳ меғалтад.
The blind man only falls in the well once. (Learn from your mistakes.)

китоби бадеӣ: book of fiction; novel

In Tajik, when a noun comes after a number or a word like “several”, the noun does not take the plural ending, for example “якчанд бор” (several times).


фоидаовар: beneficial

Гуфта мешавад, меваи анҷир барои дарди буғумҳои бадан фоидаовар аст.
It can be said that the fig fruit is beneficial for joint pain in the body.
Оби чашма хусусияти шифобахшӣ дорад ва барои ҳазми хӯрок фоидаовар аст.
Spring water has a healing quality and is beneficial for the digestion of food.

фоида: benefit
овар: stem from овардан, to bring
So фоидаовар is “benefit bringing”.

Other adjectives can be formed by combining a noun with овар (stem from the verb овардан). Here are a few examples –
хандаовар: funny, bringing laughter
гиряовар: sad, bringing tears (crying)
аламовар: grievous, bringing grief
нанговар: shameful, bringing shame
шавқовар: interesting, bringing interest
харобиовар: destructive, bringing destruction