Word A Day


навиштан: to write

Ӯ шаш китоб навишт.
He wrote six books.
Онҳо мактуб менависанд.
They will write a letter.

Conjugation in the past –
Ман навиштам: I wrote
Ту навиштӣ: You wrote
Вай навишт: He wrote
Мо навиштем: We wrote
Шумо навиштед: You wrote
Онҳо навиштанд: They wrote
Conjugation in the future –
Ман менависам: I will write
Ту менависӣ: You will write
Вай менависад: He will write
Мо менависем: We will write
Шумо менависед: You will write
Онҳо менависанд: They will write


тилло: gold

Ман нуқра ва тилло надорам; лекин он чи дорам, ба ту медиҳам.
I don’t have silver or gold; but what I do have, I will give to you.
Дар Тоҷикистон зиёда аз даҳ корхона ба истеҳсоли тилло машғуланд.
In Tajikistan more than ten factories are involved in the production of gold.

Some other metals –
нуқра: silver
оҳан: iron
биринҷӣ: bronze
пӯлод: steel
мис: copper
алюминий: aluminium

гуноҳ кардан

гуноҳ кардан: to sin

Маро бубахш, дигар гуноҳ намекунам.
Forgive me, I won’t sin again.
Агар хашмгин шуда бошед, гуноҳ накунед.
If you become angry, don’t sin.

Synonym: кори бад кардан
гуноҳ доштан: to have sin, to be guilty of something
гуноҳкор: sinner, somebody who has sinned
гуноҳи касеро бахшидан: to forgive somebody of their sin
You can review all of the Words of the Day for September at Memrise: Word of the Day, September 2017.

иҷро кардан

иҷро кардан: to fulfill, to carry out

Ман вазифаро аз ҳама пеш иҷро кардам.
I carried out (completed) the task before everybody else.
Ту кори дигаронро мон, кори худатро иҷро кун
Put aside the work of others, and fulfill your own work.

The verb иҷро кардан can often be translated simply as to do, but it has a sense of completion, doing the job and finishing it.
Synonyms: ба ҷо овардан, ба амал овардан


кабк: partridge

Фақат қаҳ-қаҳи кабкон ва шар-шари оби чашма ба гӯш мерасад.
Only the chirp-chirp of partridges and the gurgle of the spring water is heard (reaches the ear).
Кабк қариб дар ҳамаи кӯҳҳои Тоҷикистон вомехӯрад.
One can come across a partridge in almost all the mountains of Tajikistan.

If you have a better translation for the sounds that partridges and waterfalls make, please make a note in the comments and I may change it.
In Tajik there are a lot of great words for sounds of things. Onomatopoeia is the formation of a word from a sound. In Tajik those are called калимаҳои тақлидӣ. The word тақлид means imitation or mimicry. Here are a few examples. This would be a fun thing to have a conversation about, so if you know of others please write them in the comments.
шибир-шибири борон: the drip-drop of rain
чир-чири малах: chirping of locusts
пичир-пичир: whispering
гулдур-гулдури раъду барқ: the roll of thunder
тақар-туқур: crashing and banging
ак-аки саг: the barking of a dog

борон боридан

to rain: борон боридан

Чил шабу чил рӯз борон борид.
It rained for forty nights and forty days.
Агар борон борад, ба ҳеҷ куҷо намеравам.
If it rains, I am not going anywhere.

шибир-шибири борон: the drip-drop of rain
Learn Tajik by singing a kids song: The Rains Came Down and The Floods Came Up
Click to see more weather related words: Word of the Day: weather tag


абрешим: silk

Абрешимро ба Аврупо бо воситаи Шоҳроҳи Абрешим меоварданд.
They would bring silk to Europe by way of the Silk Road.
Атласи тоҷикӣ як навъ матои маҳинест бо нақшу нигори хос, ки аз абрешим таҳия мешавад.
Tajik “atlas” is a kind of soft material with special designs that is produced from silk.

The Silk Road in Tajik is called Роҳи Абрешим, Шоҳроҳи Абрешим and Роҳи Бузурги Абрешими.
Silk as an adjective is абрешимӣ as in матои абрешимӣ, silk material.
абрешимбофӣ: silk-spinning


мавсимӣ: seasonal

Понздаҳ ҳазор дона гулҳои мавсимӣ шинонида шуданд.
Fifteen thousand seasonal flowers were planted.
Булбул чун паррандаи мавсимӣ зимистонро дар мамлакатҳои гарм мегузаронад.
The nightingale as a seasonal bird spends the winter in warm countries.

мавсим: season (noun)
мавсимӣ: seasonal (adj.)

Adding the suffix -ӣ to a noun makes it an adjective.бодҳои мавсимӣ: seasonal winds
коргари мавсимӣ: seasonal worker
парандагони мавсимӣ: seasonal (migratory) birds


тирамоҳ: autumn, fall

Тирамоҳ баъд аз фасли тобистон ва пеш аз фасли зимистон меояд.
Autumn comes after (the season of) summer and before (the season of) winter.
Кӯҳистони водии Зарафшон дар фасли тирамоҳ бисёр зебо мешавад.
The mountains of the Zarafshon valley are very beautiful in the fall.

You can practice vocabulary about months and seasons at Memrise: Tajik Months and Seasons.
To make this word into an adjective add the suffix -ӣ.
себи тирамоҳӣ: autumn apple
меваҳои тирамоҳӣ: fall fruits


тарбуз: watermelon

Тарбуз хеле болаззат буд.
The watermelon was very delicious.
Тарбузро зимни табобати артрит, фаромӯшхотирӣ ва камхунӣ истифода мебаранд.
They use watermelon in the treatment of arthritis, memory loss and anemia.

Need to practice your fruit and nuts vocab? You can do it at Memrise: Tajik Fruit and Nuts.
Here is a short funny video about somebody buying a watermelon: Тарбуз ту ширинаӣ?
Tajik idiom: тарбуз аз бағал афтидан = ноумед шудан (to drop one’s watermelon = to lose hope).
For example, if you thought you were going to get some money, but then you realized that you wouldn’t you could say, “Тарбуз аз бағалам афтид.”
Read more about the health benefits of watermelon here: Тарбуз.