
бегона: stranger

Гӯсфандон аз паси бегона намераванд.
The sheep will not follow (go behind) a stranger.
Меҳмонро, хоҳ дӯст бошаду хоҳ бегона, иззату икром бикун.
Respect and honour the guest, whether he is a friend or a stranger.

Here is a great phrase. Challenge – use this today. In a nice, joking way of course.
Ту аз ақл бегона шудӣ! – Literally: You have become a stranger to wisdom (or reason)! or You’re crazy!
Бегона can also be an adjective as in алафи бегона – weed.


фоиданок: beneficial

Себи хушк низ монанди себи тару тоза фоиданок аст.
A dried apple also, like a fresh apple, is beneficial.
Ҳама чиз барои ман равост, лекин на ҳар чиз фоиданок аст.
Everything for me is permissible, but not everything is beneficial.

Adding the suffix нок to a noun forms an adjective. You can think of нок as meaning “full of” or “with”. Фоида means benefit, so фоида + нок = with benefit, or beneficial. Sometimes you can add the suffix нок or the prefix пур to get two words with the same meaning, for example пурсабр = сабрнок = patient. More examples:
пурдард = дарднок = painful
пурихтисос = ихтисоснок = skilled
пурдаҳшат = даҳшатнок = terrifying
Apparently partridges are beneficial. You can read about that here: Кавк хеле фоиданок аст


пурсабр: patient

Муҳаббат пурсабр ва меҳрубон аст.
Love is patient and kind.
Бо ҳар кас пурсабр бошед.
Be patient with everyone.

Adding the prefix пур to a noun creates an adjective.
сабр – patience (n); пурсабр – patient (adj)
Here are some more examples:
ғазаб – anger (n); пурғазаб – angry (adj)
таҷриба – experience (n); пуртаҷриба – experienced (adj)
ҳикмат – wisdom (n); пурҳикмат – wise (adj)
санг – rock, stone (n); пурсанг – rocky, stony (adj)
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дилсӯз: compassionate

Ба якдигар меҳрубон ва дилсӯз бошед.
Be kind and compassionate to one another.
Худованд бисёр дилсӯз ва раҳмдил аст.
God is very compassionate and merciful.

Another translation for дилсӯз is tenderhearted.
It would take a couple of days to study all the wonderful adjectives beginning with дил (heart), but well worth the effort. Here are a few: дилкушод –
generous; диловар – brave; дилзинда – cheerful


занона: women’s

Ту аз мағоза либоси занона харидӣ?
Did you buy women’s clothing from the shop?
Обкашонӣ имрӯз кори занона шудааст.
Today fetching water has become woman’s work.

Adding the suffix она to a noun forms an adjective. Занона could also be translated as “feminine”, “for woman” or “womanly”. Likewise, мардона could be translated as “men’s”, “masculine”, “manly” and “for men”. If the noun ends in a vowel the suffix is гона, as in бачагона – children’s, of children.


хушсифат: good quality

Шахтаи Фон – Яғноб 382 ҳазор тонна ангишти хушсифат истихроҷ намуд.
The Fon-Yagnob mine has extracted 382 thousand tons of high quality coal.
Аз чӯби коҷ коғази хушсифат истеҳсол мекунанд.
They produce high quality paper from pine wood.

хуш is a very common prefix. Reading through the words beginning with хуш in a dictionary would be a great way to increase your vocabulary. Here are a few – хушбаён: expressive, хушдил: cheerful, хушманзара: scenic, хушхабар: good news


қиматбаҳо: precious

Лаъл санги қиматбаҳо аст.
Ruby is a precious stone.
Дар кишвар намудҳои гуногуни чӯби қиматбаҳо вуҷуд доранд
In the country there are various kinds of precious wood.

қимат (expensive) + баҳо (value) = қиматбаҳо (precious)
Some precious stones found in Tajikistan- лаъл: ruby, лоҷувард: lapis lazuli, фирӯза: turquoise


хоболуд: sleepy, tired

Ва омада, боз онҳоро хуфта ёфт, зеро чашмонашон хоболуд буд.
And coming, he found them asleep again, because their eyes were tired.
Онҳо сахт хоболуд буданд.
They were very sleepy.

хоболуд = хоб + олуд.

Some other words with олуд suffix – хунолуд: bloody, ғазаболуд: angry, хоколуд: dirty, чанголуд: dusty. If you can think of others please share them in the comments.


шавқовар: interesting

Ӯ одами шавқовар ва боақл аст.
He is an interesting and intelligent man.
Дарсҳои иловагии мактаб он қадар шавқовар нестанд ва аксари ҳамсинфонам дар онҳо ширкат намекунанд.
The extra school lessons are not that interesting and most of my classmates don’t participate in them.

The adjective шавқовар is made up of two parts – шавқ: (interest, a noun) and suffix -овар (from the verb овардан – to bring).
There are many adjectives with the suffix -овар. Here are a few examples: хандаовар, шодиовар, шармовар, диловар.