
ҳайвон: animal

Дар биёбон бисёр ҳайвонот шабона ба шикор мебароянд.
In the desert many animals come out to hunt at night.
Ҳаёти парандагон ба монанди дигар ҳайвонот вобаста ба мавсими сол тағйир меёбад.
The life of birds, like other animals, varies depending on the season.

This word usually takes the Arabic origin plural ending от, especially in written material.

олами ҳайвонот: animal kingdom
ҳайвоноти мӯҳрадор: vertebrates
ҳайвоноти бемӯҳра: invertebrates
ҳайвоноти алафхӯр: herbivores
ҳайвоноти дарранда: carnivores
ҳайвоноти хонагӣ: domestic animals
ҳайвоноти ёбоӣ: wild animals
ҳайвоноти ширхӯр: mammals


калтакалос: lizard

Дар Тоҷикистон 33 намуди калтакалос дучор мешаванд.
In Tajikistan one can find 33 kinds of lizards.
Аз дуди офтобпараст муш ва калтакалосҳо мегурезанд.
Mice and lizards run away from the smoke of sunflowers.

Also called келас.

The first sentence is written in 3rd person plural, but the English translation is better in 3rd person singular.

Notice that in the second sentence the word for mice does not have the plural ending, ҳо. That is because when listing items the plural ending only has to go on the last item in the list; putting it on the other items is optional, but usually left off. It is understood from context that both words are plural.

You can read about lizards on Tajik Wikipedia: Калтакалос


ҳашарот: insect

Дар Тоҷикистон 380 хели паранда ва беш аз 10 ҳазор намуди ҳашарот вомехӯранд.
In Tajikistan 380 kinds of birds and more than 10 thousand kinds of insects can be found.
Шимпанзеҳо мева, реша, ҳашарот ва тухми паррандаҳоро мехӯранд.
Chimpanzees eat fruit, roots, insects and bird eggs.

ҳашаротшинос: entomologist

For the first sentence, вомехӯранд means “they meet”. In Tajik the third person plural is often used instead of the passive voice.

Notice in the second sentence that when you have a list of items the direct object marker -ро is only added to the last item in the list.

This word is Arabic in origin. The suffix -от is the plural ending in Arabic. Ҳашарот is the Scientific class, insect, or the collection of insects. Many of these Arabic words with the plural ending are used in Tajik as singular words. The singular of ҳашарот is ҳашара, but that is not often used.


кӯр: blind

Кӣ гуноҳ кард: ин одам ё падару модараш, ки вай кӯр зоида шуд?
Who sinned: this man or his father and mother, that he was born blind?
Ҳаминашро медонам, ки ман кӯр будам ва акнун мебинам.
This I know, that I was blind and now I see.

Other meanings –
кӯр: blind person
кӯр: unwise; uninformed

кӯршавпарак: bat
кӯрмуш: mole


қурбоққа: frog

Мори обӣ моҳиҳо ва қурбоққаҳоро мехӯрад.
A water snakes eats fish and frogs.
Дар биёбонҳо қурбоққа фақат шаб ба ҷустуҷӯи ғизо мебарояд.
In the deserts a frog only goes out to look for food at night.

As in the first sentence, when you have two or more direct objects connected by “and” the object marker -ро only goes on the last one in the list.

Learn more animal words at Memrise: Tajik Animals

мори обӣ

мори обӣ: water snake

Мори обӣ мори безаҳр аст.
A water snake is a non-poisonous snake.
Мори обӣ дар соҳилҳои дарёҳо, чашмаҳо ва кӯлҳо зиндагӣ мекунад.
Water snakes live on the shores (edges) of rivers, springs and lakes.

Adding the suffix ӣ to a noun changes it to an adjective.
об: water (noun)
обӣ: water (adj.)

Notice that the second sentence is singular in Tajik (a water snake lives…), but in English it sounds more normal in the plural (water snakes live).

Opposite of безаҳр (non-poisonous) is заҳрнок (poisonous).

You can read more about water snakes on the kitobam website: Мори Обӣ


хазанда: reptile

Дар рӯйи Замин зиёда аз 7 ҳазор намуди гуногуни хазандаҳо зиндагӣ мекунанд.
More than seven thousand various kinds reptiles live on the face of the earth.
Ғайр аз морҳо ва калтакалоси бепой (баҳтур) ҳамаи намудҳои дигари хазандаҳо дар ду паҳлуи танаашон як ҷуфтӣ пой доранд.
Besides snakes and legless lizards, all other different kinds of reptiles have a pair of feet on both sides of their body.

The sentences for today came from allinweb website – Синфи хазандаҳо. The article has loads of great reading about reptiles along with good pictures of reptiles including body parts and bones. There are lots of other great educational articles on that website too.

The plural of ҳазанда can be ҳазандаҳо or ҳазандагон. The suffix -он is used for animate nouns; when the noun ends with the letter “a” the ending is -гон.

Баҳтур (or боҳтур) is a kind of legless lizard that lives in Tajikistan and other parts of Central Asia. You can read about them here: Боҳтур.


рама: flock

Бачагон рамаҳои худро ба тарафи деҳа ронданд.
The children herded their flocks toward the village.
Дар он сарзамин чӯпонҳое буданд, ки шабона дар ҳавои кушод рамаи худро посбонӣ мекарданд.
In that country there were shepherds who watched their flocks outside at night.

рамарон: the person who is moving (herding) the flock from one place to another.
рамабон: shepherd; the person who watches the flock
рама рондан: to herd (move) a flock
рамаи гӯсфандон: a flock of sheep

занбӯри асал

занбӯри асал: honeybee

Гули себ ғизои хуби занбӯри асал аст.
An apple blossom is good food for a honeybee.
Дар ҳар оилаи занбӯри асал як сардор ҳаст, ки он модарзанбӯр мебошад.
In every honeybee family there is a leader, who is the queen bee.

асал: honey
занбӯрпарварӣ: beekeeping
занбӯрбон: beekeeper
занбӯрхона: beehive


ширхӯр: mammal

Дар Тоҷикистон 48 (чилу ҳашт) намуди ширхӯрҳо мавҷуд аст.
In Tajikistan 48 kinds of mammals exist.
То соли 1950 дар тамоми дунё яксаду шаш намуди ҳайвони ширхӯр нест шудааст.
Until 1950 in the whole world one hundred and six kinds of mammals became extinct.

ширхӯр = шир (milk) + хӯр(from хӯрдан: to eat)
Often, especially in print, the suffix он is used to pluralize living things, thus, ширхӯрон is another way to say “mammals”.

Олами ҳайвонот: Animal Kingdom
мӯҳрадор: vertebrate