
бор: time

Рафиқам се бор ба Москва рафтааст.
My friend has gone to Moscow three times.
Ин китоби бадеиро якчанд бор хондам.
I read this novel several times.

бори дигар: another time
аввалин бор: first time

Tajik Proverb –
Кӯр як бор дар чоҳ меғалтад.
The blind man only falls in the well once. (Learn from your mistakes.)

китоби бадеӣ: book of fiction; novel

In Tajik, when a noun comes after a number or a word like “several”, the noun does not take the plural ending, for example “якчанд бор” (several times).


лимӯ: lemon

Лимӯ меваи туршмазаи хушбўӣ аст, ки дар ҷойҳои зимистонаш гарм мерӯяд.
A lemon is a sour-tasting, sweet-smelling fruit, which grows in places where the winter is warm.
Мо лимӯ хариданӣ будем, аммо дар бозор лимӯ набудааст.
We were going to buy lemons, but in the market there were no lemons.

Лимӯ also means lemon tree.

лимӯранг: lemon-coloured
лимӯзор: lemon grove
лимӯпарвар: lemon grower
лимӯпарварӣ: lemon-growing

You can learn more fruits at Memrise: Tajik Fruit and Nuts


варзишгар: athlete

Дар Ниммарафони IX байналмилалии Душанбе панҷоҳ варзишгар аз ҳаждаҳ кишвари олам ширкат намуданд.
In the IX International half marathon of Dushanbe fifty sportsmen from eighteen countries of the world participated.
Умуман, варзишгарони Эфиопия ҳар сол натиҷаҳои баланд ба даст меоранд.
Generally, athletes from Ethiopia achieve high results every year.

Adding the suffix гар to a noun produces another noun that is a person. Examples –
варзиш: exercise, sports
варзишгар: athlete, sportsman
ситоиш: worship
ситоишгар: worshiper
ситам: oppression
ситамгар: oppressor
фиреб: lie
фиребгар: liar

Today’s sentences both come from an article in yesterday’s news about the recent half marathon in Dushanbe. You can read the whole article here – Ниммарафони IX байналмилалии шаҳри Душанбе.

косахонаи сар

косахонаи сар: skull

Косахонаи сар зиёда аз бист устухонро дар бар мегирад.
The skull consists of more than twenty bones.
Дар аксарияти хазандаҳо скелет ба қисмҳои косахонаи сар, мӯҳраҳо, пойҳои пешу қафо ва дум тақсим мешавад.
In the majority of reptiles the skeleton is divided into the sections of skull, vertebrae, front and back legs, and tail.

Other uses of косахона –
косахонаи чашм: eye socket
косахонаи сангпушт: tortoise shell

You can learn more body part words by reading about nature. The second sentence for today comes from an article about reptiles on an educational website – Хазандаҳо (Reptiles)


ҷаҳон: world

Дар ҷаҳон бештар аз дусаду сӣ давлат мавҷуд аст.
In the world there are more than two hundred and thirty countries.
Ҷаҳонро дӯст надоред, на он чиро, ки дар ҷаҳон аст.
Do not love the world, nor the things that are in the world.

Synonyms: дунё, олам

To use world as an adjective, add the suffix ӣ –
сулҳи ҷаҳонӣ – world peace
шӯҳрати ҷаҳонӣ – world fame, world honour

ба ҷаҳон омадан: to be born (to come to the world)


занбӯруғ: mushroom

Занбӯруғ навъе аз растанист, ки реша, барг ва гул надорад ва дар баҳорон дар ҷойҳои сернам мерӯяд.
A mushroom is a kind of plant that has no roots, leaves and flowers and grows in the spring in wet places.
Ҳангоми занбӯруғчинӣ занбӯруғҳои хурданибобро аз занбӯруғҳои заҳрнок фарқ карда тавонистан лозим.
When mushroom picking it is important to be able to tell the difference between edible mushrooms and poisonous mushrooms.

Alternate spelling: замбӯруғ
Synonyms: қорч, саморуғ, хоч

Here is an easy online recipe for rice with mushrooms: Хӯрок бо Занбӯруғ
And here is a not too difficult to read article about mushrooms: Занбӯруғ


нависанда: author

Кароматуло Мирзо яке аз нависандагони номдори тоҷик мебошад.
Karomatullo Mirzo is one of the famous Tajik authors.
Дар кӯдакиам вақте ки муддати дароз касал шудам, ба ман бисъёр китобҳои нависандаҳои рус ва хориҷиро хонда медоданд.
In my childhood when I was sick for a long time, they read to me lots of books with Russian and foreign authors.

There are two plural endings for nouns: ҳо and он. The ending он is only used for animate objects (people, animals etc.) with a few exceptions. The ending ҳо is the usual ending in casual speech. When a noun ends in a vowel the ending is гон instead of он, as in нависандагон.

The word набисанда is composed of the present tense verb stem, навис-, and the suffix анда. Here are a few more words formed in the same way.
хонанда: reader
нӯшанда: drinker
ронанда: driver
харанда: buyer
диҳанда: giver
парастанда: worshipper
чинанда: picker, one who picks


дарозӣ: length

Нил дарёи дарозтарини ҷаҳон буда, дарозиаш 6671 километр мебошад.
The Nile is the longest river in the world; its length is 6671 kilometres.
Дарозии пояи ҳайкал дувоздаҳ метр мебошад.
The length of the base of the statue is twelve metres.

Adding ӣ to an adjective changes it to a noun. Examples:
дароз: long
дарозӣ: length
камбағал: poor
камбағалӣ: poverty
баланд: high (of things)
баландӣ: height (of things)
қадбаланд: tall (of people and animals)
қадбаландӣ: height (of people and animals)

When letters are added to the end of a word ending with the letter ӣ, the ӣ is changed to и.


рақам: number

Чор рақами ҷуфт аст.
Four is an even number.
Рақами ҳавлии мо бисту шаш аст.
Our house number is twenty-six.

Synonyms: адад, шумора

рақам мондан: to number
рақами телефон: phone number
рақами ҷуфт: even number
рақами тоқ: odd number

The word рақам can also mean something that has been written.
рақам кардан: to write


кор: work

Ман кори худамро тамом кардам.
I finished my (own) work.
Ман ҳозир ба кор меравам.
I am going to work now.

As in English, the word кор (work) has several meanings. It can mean a task or tasks (as in the first sentence), a job (as in the second sentence) and a transfer of energy (physics).

кор кардан: to work
кор доштан: to have work, to be busy
коргар: worker
корхона: workplace (office, factory etc.)

Compound words can also be formed by combining a noun with кор to give another noun, a person. Example:
ҷинояткор: criminal
пахтакор: cotton farmer
гуноҳкор: sinner