
ҳарф: letter

Аввалин ҳарф дар алифбо ҳарфи “А” мебошад.
The first letter in the alphabet is the letter A.
Алифбои забони русӣ аз 33 ҳарф иборат аст, ки аз онҳо 10-тояш садонок ва 21-тояш ҳамсадо.
The Russian alphabet is made up of 33 letters, of which 10 are vowels and 21 are consonants.

The word ҳафр can also mean speech or talk (noun).
ҳарф задан: to talk, to make a speech


парчам: flag

24-уми ноябр дар Тоҷикистон Рӯзи Парчами миллӣ номгузорӣ шудааст.
The 24th of November in Tajikistan has been named national Flag Day.
Парчами миллии Тоҷикистон аз рангҳои сурху сафеду сабз ва як тоҷу ҳафт ситора иборат аст.
The national flag of Tajikistan is composed of the colours red, white and green and one crown and seven stars.

Synonym: байрақ

In May 2011 Tajikistan erected the highest free-standing flagpole in the world. It is now in second place since a taller one was built in Saudi Arabia in 2014. You can read about Tajikistan’s flag pole here: Парчами Тоҷикистон дар Китоби рекордҳои Гиннес (The Flag of Tajikistan in the Guinness Book of Records).

Wikipedia has a good (long) article about the history of Tajikistan’s flag: Парчами Тоҷикистон.


ҷазира: island

Ҷазираи аз ҳама калон Гренландия мебошад.
The biggest island of all is Greenland.
Баъзе ҷазираҳо дар уқёнус гурӯҳ-гурӯҳ вомехӯранд. Онҳоро галаҷазира меноманд.
Some islands in the ocean are found in groups. They are called an archipelago.

Definition of island in the Tajik dictionary –
ҷазира: хушкӣ дар миёни об (хоҳ хурд бошад хоҳ калон), ки об аз ҳар сӯ онро иҳота кардааст.
dry area in the water (sometimes small and sometimes big) that is surrounded by water on all sides.

ҷазиранишин: island-dweller, person who lives on an island

Tajiks also use the Russian loan word, архипелаг, for archipelago.


вақт: time

Вақтам нест.
I have no time.
Вақтеро, ки Замин дар гирди меҳвараш давр мезанад, шабонарӯз мегӯянд, ки 24 соат аст.
The time in which Earth rotates on its axis is called a day, which is 24 hours.

As in English, вақт (time) has many uses. It can mean time of day, or time in a general sense. For example-
вақти баҳор: spring time
вақти холӣ: free time
вақти шаб: evening time
вақти тутпазӣ: the time when the mulberries are ripening
кадом вақт: which time, when
ҳеҷ вақт: never
ҳама вақт: always

To see lots more ways to use the word вақт check out the Tajik Dictionary. (Scroll down to page 261.)


оҳанг: tune, melody

Оҳанг форам буд.
The tune was pleasant.
Ин оҳангро шумо бисёр шунидаед.
You have heard this tune a lot.

Оҳанг is also sometimes used for song.
оҳангсоз: composer, song-writer
оҳангсозӣ: composing
ба оҳанг бастан: to put to music, as in to put a poem to music

Review October’s Words of the Day (and all previous months) at Memrise: Tajik Word of the Day, October 2017


пахта: cotton

Ба сагча Пахта ном монд, зеро он чун пахта сафед буд.
He called the puppy Cotton, because he was white like cotton.
Аз тухми пахта равған истеҳсол мекунанд.
Oil is produced from cotton seed. (They produce oil from cotton seed.)

пахтачин: cotton picker
пахтачинӣ: cotton picking
пахтакор: cotton farmer
пахтакорӣ: cotton farming
пахтазор: cotton field
пахтагӣ: cotton (adj.), made of cotton
тиллои сафед: white gold; a term used for cotton


анҷир: fig

Дар Тоҷикистон ду намуди анҷир парвариш карда мешавад.
In Tajikistan two types of fig are grown.
Дарахти анҷир наметавонад зайтун оварад, ё токи ангур – анҷир.
A fig tree can’t produce olives, or a grapevine – figs.

анҷирзор: fig orchard
You can learn more words for fruit and nuts on Memrise: Tajik Fruit and Nuts


дурӯғ: lie

Ин гап рост аст ё дурӯғ?
Is this the truth or a lie?
Иблис падари дурӯғ аст.
Satan is the father of lies.

In the first sentence гап means “talk” or “word”. The sentence could be translated as “Is what you are saying the truth or a lie?” or “Is this gossip (talk) that I am hearing true or a lie?” depending on the context.

дурӯғ гуфтан: to lie
дурӯғгӯ(й), дурӯғбоф: liar
дурӯғгӯӣ: lying

Saying: Умри дурӯғ кутоҳ аст. (The lifetime of a lie is short.)


намак: salt

Намакро барои пухтани қариб ҳамаи таомро истифода мебаранд.
Salt is used for cooking almost all meals.
Дар як тонна оби уқёнус сию панҷ килограмм намак мавҷуд аст.
In one ton of ocean water there are thirty-five kilograms of salt.

The first sentence is literally “They use salt for cooking almost all meals”, but it doesn’t mean specific people; it is in a general sense. In English we might say, “one uses salt for cooking almost all meals”.

намакдон: salt shaker
кони намак: salt mine
намакин: salty
намакшинос: grateful, thankful
кӯрнамак: ungrateful, not thankful

Намак хӯрду намакдон шикаст. – He ate the salt and broke the saltshaker. This idiom means that he repaid a good deed with a bad one.


барқ: electricity

Дар шабонарӯз тақрибан даҳ соат барқ мегирем.
In one day we get about ten hours of electricity.
Аз рӯзи якуми октябри соли 2017 нархи барқ ба ҳисоби миёна понздаҳ фоиз зиёд гардид.
From the first of October 2017 the price of electricity went up an average of fifteen percent.

Барқ also means lightning.
Add the suffix ӣ to make an adjective –
барқӣ: electric
as in чароғи барқӣ (electric light)