
чашма: spring

Аз аҳолии Тоҷикистон шашсаду панҷоҳ ҳазор нафар оби чашма мехӯранд.
From the population of Tajikistan six hundred and fifty thousand people drink spring water.
Як чашма наметавонад оби шӯр ва ширин диҳад.
One spring can’t give salt water and sweet water.

чашмаи маъданӣ: mineral spring
Tajikistan has lots of springs and many of them are popular destinations for rest and healing, among them Чилучор Чашма and Гармчашма.


тилло: gold

Ман нуқра ва тилло надорам; лекин он чи дорам, ба ту медиҳам.
I don’t have silver or gold; but what I do have, I will give to you.
Дар Тоҷикистон зиёда аз даҳ корхона ба истеҳсоли тилло машғуланд.
In Tajikistan more than ten factories are involved in the production of gold.

Some other metals –
нуқра: silver
оҳан: iron
биринҷӣ: bronze
пӯлод: steel
мис: copper
алюминий: aluminium


кабк: partridge

Фақат қаҳ-қаҳи кабкон ва шар-шари оби чашма ба гӯш мерасад.
Only the chirp-chirp of partridges and the gurgle of the spring water is heard (reaches the ear).
Кабк қариб дар ҳамаи кӯҳҳои Тоҷикистон вомехӯрад.
One can come across a partridge in almost all the mountains of Tajikistan.

If you have a better translation for the sounds that partridges and waterfalls make, please make a note in the comments and I may change it.
In Tajik there are a lot of great words for sounds of things. Onomatopoeia is the formation of a word from a sound. In Tajik those are called калимаҳои тақлидӣ. The word тақлид means imitation or mimicry. Here are a few examples. This would be a fun thing to have a conversation about, so if you know of others please write them in the comments.
шибир-шибири борон: the drip-drop of rain
чир-чири малах: chirping of locusts
пичир-пичир: whispering
гулдур-гулдури раъду барқ: the roll of thunder
тақар-туқур: crashing and banging
ак-аки саг: the barking of a dog


абрешим: silk

Абрешимро ба Аврупо бо воситаи Шоҳроҳи Абрешим меоварданд.
They would bring silk to Europe by way of the Silk Road.
Атласи тоҷикӣ як навъ матои маҳинест бо нақшу нигори хос, ки аз абрешим таҳия мешавад.
Tajik “atlas” is a kind of soft material with special designs that is produced from silk.

The Silk Road in Tajik is called Роҳи Абрешим, Шоҳроҳи Абрешим and Роҳи Бузурги Абрешими.
Silk as an adjective is абрешимӣ as in матои абрешимӣ, silk material.
абрешимбофӣ: silk-spinning


тирамоҳ: autumn, fall

Тирамоҳ баъд аз фасли тобистон ва пеш аз фасли зимистон меояд.
Autumn comes after (the season of) summer and before (the season of) winter.
Кӯҳистони водии Зарафшон дар фасли тирамоҳ бисёр зебо мешавад.
The mountains of the Zarafshon valley are very beautiful in the fall.

You can practice vocabulary about months and seasons at Memrise: Tajik Months and Seasons.
To make this word into an adjective add the suffix -ӣ.
себи тирамоҳӣ: autumn apple
меваҳои тирамоҳӣ: fall fruits


тарбуз: watermelon

Тарбуз хеле болаззат буд.
The watermelon was very delicious.
Тарбузро зимни табобати артрит, фаромӯшхотирӣ ва камхунӣ истифода мебаранд.
They use watermelon in the treatment of arthritis, memory loss and anemia.

Need to practice your fruit and nuts vocab? You can do it at Memrise: Tajik Fruit and Nuts.
Here is a short funny video about somebody buying a watermelon: Тарбуз ту ширинаӣ?
Tajik idiom: тарбуз аз бағал афтидан = ноумед шудан (to drop one’s watermelon = to lose hope).
For example, if you thought you were going to get some money, but then you realized that you wouldn’t you could say, “Тарбуз аз бағалам афтид.”
Read more about the health benefits of watermelon here: Тарбуз.


роҳ: road, way

Хонаи онҳо дар наздики роҳ буд.
Their house was near the road.
Рохи дигар ёфтан даркор буд.
Another way had to be found.

Роҳи сафед.: White road.
Роҳи сафед is a very common phrase said to somebody about to leave on a journey. White represents good fortune and other good things. So you can translate this phrase as “May your trip be good (or safe)”, or simply as “have a great trip”.
роҳи оҳан: railroad
роҳи сулҳ: the way of peace


ҳуҷайра: cell

Ба монанди дигар мавҷудоти зинда бадани одам низ аз ҳуҷайраҳо иборат аст.
Like other living creatures, the human body is also composed of cells.
Дар ҳар як организм миқдори зиёди ҳуҷайраҳо мавҷуд аст.
In every organism there is a large quantity of cells.

ҳуҷайраи асаб: nerve cell
ҳуҷайраи мушак: muscle cell
ҳуҷайраи хун: blood cell


ҳайкал: statue

Писарак гулро оҳиста ба назди ҳайкал гузошт.
The little boy gently placed the flower next to the statue.
Дар Душанбе ҳайкали Бобои Талабшоҳ ва хирси ӯ бо номи Марияро сохтаанд. 
In Dushanbe they have built a statue of grandfather Talabshoh and his bear named Maria.

Synonyms: пайкар, муҷассама
Бобо is often used as an affectionate name for an old man who is not necessarily one’s grandfather. Bobo Talabshoh would walk his bear around Dushanbe, and even took the bear on the bus. He died 5 years ago and his bear was put in the zoo. A statue of Bobo Talabshoh and his bear has been made. You can read more about it here: Муйсафед ва хирс.


лаклак: stork

Дар олам ҳабдаҳ намуди лаклакҳо мавҷуданд. Дар Тоҷикистон ду намуд – лаклакҳои сафед ва сиёҳ зиндагӣ мекунанд.
In the world there are seventeen types of stork. In Tajikistan two types of stork live – white storks and black storks.
Лаклаки сиёҳ нисбат ба лаклаки сафед хурдтар аст.
The black stork compared to the white stork is smaller.

Some Tajik children’s stories have storks. You can read one here: Рӯбоҳ ва Лаклак(The Fox and the Stork).