
чуқуртарин: deepest

Байкал кӯли чуқуртарини олам аст.
Baikal is the deepest lake in the world.
Дар байни уқёнусҳо уқёнуси Ором калонтарин ва чуқуртарин аст.
Among the oceans, the Pacific Ocean is the biggest and deepest.

synonym: амиқ

чуқур: deep
чуқуртар: deeper


рангин: colourful

Онҳо ҷомаҳои рангин пӯшида буданд.
They had put on colourful robes. (They were wearing colourful robes.)
Мо дар Соли нав арчаамонро бо бозичаҳои рангин оро додем.
For New Years we decorated our tree with colourful toys.

In Tajik they usually use the word бозичаҳо (toys) for tree ornaments.

ранг: colour
Adding the suffix ин changes a noun into an adjective. Another example of this is сангин.

рангинкамон: rainbow


сангин: stone (adj.)

Ин девори сангин мебошад.
This is a stone wall.
Бибии ман дар хонаи сангин зиндагӣ мекунанд.
My grandmother lives in a stone house.

дили сангин: stone heart, heart of stone
асри сангин: Stone Age (аср: century)

You can add the suffix ин to some nouns to make them into adjectives –
санг – сангин: stone – stone (adj.), stony
ранг – рангин: colour – colourful
чирк – чиркин: dirt – dirty
чӯб – чӯбин: wood – wooden
мармар – мармарин: marble – marble (adj.), made of marble

If the noun ends in a vowel then the suffix is гин
нуқра – нуқрагин: silver – silver (adj.), made of silver
тилло – тиллогин: gold – golden, made of gold


хурсандӣ: happiness, joy

Хурсандии ту хурсандии ман аст.
Your happiness is my happiness.
Хурсандӣ ба мотам табдил ёфт.
Joy turned into mourning.

Synonym: шодӣ
The adjective, хурсанд, is made into a noun by adding the suffix ӣ.
хурсанд: happy, joyful
хурсандӣ: happiness, joy
Other examples of changing an adjective into a noun by adding the suffix ӣ:
ором, оромӣ: peaceful, peacefulness
сер, серӣ: full, fullness
миннатдор, миннатдорӣ: grateful, gratefulness
Here are a couple more examples. If the adjective ends in a vowel, the suffix is гӣ:
гурусна, гуруснагӣ: hungry, hunger
ташна, ташнагӣ: thirsty, thirst


беҳтар: better

Аз хунукӣ гармӣ беҳтар аст.
Warmth is better than cold.
Додан аз гирифтан беҳтар аст.
To give is better than to receive.

Synonyms: хубтар, нағзтар
A quick google search shows that беҳтар is used more often than хубтар and нағзтар (at least on the internet).
Беҳтар is the comparitive form of беҳ (good). Synonyms for беҳ are хуб and нағз.


мавсимӣ: seasonal

Понздаҳ ҳазор дона гулҳои мавсимӣ шинонида шуданд.
Fifteen thousand seasonal flowers were planted.
Булбул чун паррандаи мавсимӣ зимистонро дар мамлакатҳои гарм мегузаронад.
The nightingale as a seasonal bird spends the winter in warm countries.

мавсим: season (noun)
мавсимӣ: seasonal (adj.)

Adding the suffix -ӣ to a noun makes it an adjective.бодҳои мавсимӣ: seasonal winds
коргари мавсимӣ: seasonal worker
парандагони мавсимӣ: seasonal (migratory) birds


пистазор: pistachio orchard

Пас аз чор соат мо ба пистазор расидем.
We arrived at the pistachio orchard after four hours.
Дар кӯҳҳои мо пистазор бисёр аст.
In our mountains there are many pistachio orchards.

Писта means both pistachio and pistachio tree.
The suffix -зор means “place of”. Some other words with the suffix -зор –
алафзор: field, pasture (алаф: grass)
ангурзор, токзор: vineyard (ангур: grape, ток: vine)
хорзор: a place with lots of thorn bushes (хор: thorn)
гулзор: flower garden, a place where lots of flowers grow (гул: flower)


ҷинояткор: criminal

Ҷинояткор бо мақсади дуздӣ ба бонк даромад.
The criminal entered the bank with the intention of theft.
Агар симкортатро ҷинояткор истифода кунад, ту ҳам ҷинояткорӣ.
If a criminal uses your SIM card, you are also a criminal.

When you add the suffix кор to a noun, you produce another noun that is person.
In this case, ҷиноят means crime. The person that does the crime is ҷинояткор.
For more examples of adding the suffix кор to a noun to make another noun that is a person, see this pdf: Expand Your Vocabulary: Suffixes.


асосгузор: founder

Асосгузори давлати тоҷикон Исмоили Сомонӣ буд.
The founder of the nation of Tajiks was Ismoil Somoni.
Алхоразмӣ асосгузори илми алҷабр мебошад.
Al-Khwarizmi is the founder of Algebra.

асос (foundation) + гузор (from гузоштан: to put) = founder, one who lays(puts) the foundation.
Combining a noun with the suffix гузор gives a new word that is usually a person who lays or puts something. Examples:
имзогузор: signer
сармоягузор: depositor
қонунгузор: legislator
баҳогузор: valuer


калонтар: bigger

Ин боғ аз он боғ калонтар аст.
This garden is bigger than that garden.
Салим нисбат ба Раҳим калонтар аст.
Salim compared to Rahim is bigger.

калон: big
калонтар: bigger
калонтарин: biggest

For an intermediate lesson on comparatives and superlatives download this pdf: Comparatives and Superlatives.