
ғунҷидан: to fit

Мо дар як мошин нағунҷидем.
We didn’t fit in one car.
Як хонача дорам, сарам ғунҷад, поям намеғунҷад, поям ғунҷад, сарам намеғунҷад.
I have a small house; if my head fits, my legs don’t fit; if my legs fit, my head doesn’t fit.

ғунҷондан: to make (something) fit
ғунҷоиш: capacity

пайравӣ кардан

пайравӣ кардан: to follow

Маро пайравӣ накун!
Don’t follow me!
Шумо ба кӣ пайравӣ карданӣ ҳастед?
Who do you want to follow?

Synonyms: таъқиб кардан

You can use this verb for following somebody physically, for following somebody’s teaching, for following something (like an example), or pursuing something (like wealth).

пайрав: follower


номидан: to call, to name

Вай Закарё ном дошт ва занашро Элисобат меномиданд.
He was called Zachariah and his wife was named Elizabeth.
Дар чоркунҷа суммаи дарозии тарафҳоро периметр меноманд.
The sum of the lengths of the sides in a square is called the perimeter.

Synonym: ном додан

In Tajik it is less common to use the passive voice and more common to use the third person plural, as both of these sentences show. We could translate the first sentence, “He had the name Zachariah and they named his wife Elizabeth.” We could translate the second sentence, “They call the sum of the lengths of the sides in a square the perimeter.”


расондан: to deliver

Ҳавопаймо моро ба фурудгоҳи Самарқанд расонид.
The plane delivered us to Samarkand airport.
Ӯ маро фиристод, то ки бо ту гап зада, ин хабари хушро ба ту бирасонам.
He sent me to talk to you and deliver this good news to you.

расидан: to arrive

Ман расидам. I arrived.
Ҳавопаймо расид. The plane arrived.

In Tajik a causative verb is formed by  inserting он into another verb. So, расондан (alternatively, расонидан) means “to cause to arrive” or “to make (something or someone) arrive”. We could also translate расондан as “to bring” in both of the above sentences.

Some other causative verbs:
афтидан: to fall
афтондан: to drop, to cause (something) to fall
фаҳмидан: to understand
фаҳмондан: to explain (to make someone understand)
хӯрдан: to eat
хӯрондан: to feed (someone else)

фаромӯш кардан

фаромӯш кардан: to forget

Нон гирифтанро фаромӯш карда буданд.
They had forgotten to bring the bread.
Намак кардани картошкаро фаромӯш кардам.
I forgot to salt the potatoes.

See also – аз хотир баровардан: to forget

фаромӯшнашаванда: unforgettable
рӯзи фаромӯшнашаванда: unforgettable day
фаромӯшхотир: forgetful
фаромӯшхотирӣ: forgetfulness

хабардор шудан

хабардор шудан: to become aware, to know, to find out

Мо аз қасди онҳо хабардор шудем.
We became aware of their intention.
Ҳангоме ки ту садақа медиҳӣ, бигзор дасти чапат аз он чи дасти ростат мекунад, хабардор нашавад.
When you give alms, let your left hand not know what your right hand is doing.

Synonyms: хабардор гардидан, огоҳ шудан

хабар: news, information
хабардор: aware, informed (хабар + stem of доштан, to have)
хабардор кардан: to make aware, to tell
хабар доштан: to be aware, to have information
хабар додан: to tell, to give information

ҳисоб ёфтан

ҳисоб ёфтан: to be considered, to be counted (as)

Дар миёни онҳо баҳс шуд, ки кадоме аз онҳо бояд бузургтар ҳисоб ёбад.
Among them was a dispute about which of them should be considered greater.
Бухоро пойтахти давлати Сомониён ҳисоб меёфт.
Bukhara was considered to be the capital of the Samanid empire.

Synonym: шумурда шудан

ҳисоб: account, count (noun)
ёфтан: to find

ба ҳисоб гирифтан: to consider, to count (as)

There are many Tajik verbs that use the helper verb, ёфтан. Here are a few more examples:
илоҷ ёфтан: to solve, to find a solution
ором ёфтан: to calm down, to find peace
наҷот ёфтан: to be saved, to find salvation
шифо ёфтан: to be healed, to find healing
шӯҳрат ёфтан: to become famous, to find fame


кушодан: to open

Маъруф дари хонаро оҳиста кушод.
Maruf slowly opened the door of the house.
Онҳо чашмони худро кушода, ҷуз ман касеро надиданд.
They opened their eyes and saw nobody except me.

Synonyms: боз кардан, яла кардан
Opposite: пӯшидан (to close)

тугмаро кушодан: to undo the button
гап кушодан: to start a speech
маҷлисро кушодан: to start the meeting
оташ кушодан: to open fire (start shooting)
рӯза кушодан: to break the fast

ҳасад бурдан

ҳасад бурдан: to envy, to be jealous

Муҳаббат ҳасад намебарад.
Love does not envy.
Духтарак ба ҳар хонае, ки медаромад, ба бачаҳои соҳибхона ҳасад мебурд.
The little girl was jealous of the children of every home that she entered.

Synonym: рашк бурдан

бачаҳои соҳибхона: the home-owner’s children, that is, the children who lived in that house

ҳасадомез: envious
ҳасадовар: enviable

исбот кардан

исбот кардан: to prove

Шумо исбот карда наметавонед, ки ман дар онҷо будам.
You can’t prove that I was there.
Ту чӣ хел исбот мекунӣ, ки инҳо китобҳои падари ту буданд?
How will you prove that these were your father’s books?

Synonym: собит кардан

исбот: proof (noun)