
абрнок: cloudy

Ҳаво имрӯз хеле абрнок шуд.
The weather today was very cloudy.
Дар вилояти Бадахшон ҳавои абрнок пешгӯйӣ гардидааст.
In the region of Badakhshon cloudy weather has been forecast.

Synonyms: абрӣ, абргирифта

Opposite: беабр

Read the weather report in Tajik to learn other weather words. Here is one: Weather Channel, weather in Ozyankino, Russia. You can also search for the city where you live. Make sure language is set to Tajik.
асосан абрнок: mainly cloudy
қисман абрнок: partly cloudy
осмони абрнок: cloudy sky
ҳавои абрнок: cloudy weather

гул кардан

гул кардан: to bloom, to flower

Дарахтон гул мекунанд.
The trees bloom.
Бодом дар моҳҳои феврал ва март гул карда, меваи он моҳҳои июн ва июл пухта мерасад.
Almonds (almond trees) bloom in February and March, and their fruit ripens in June or July.

Synonym – шукуфта шудан
Want more words about flowers? Scroll down to page 335 and following of the Tajik dictionary.


мутахассис: expert, specialist

Ман мутахассиси соҳаи зироат ҳастам.
I am a specialist in the field of agriculture.
Донишкада аз рӯи 19 ихтисос мутахассис тайёр мекунад.
The institute prepares specialists in 19 specializations.

This is a word of Arabic origin. Notice the same consonants in the word ихтисос – specialty, specialization.
Synonym – соҳибихтисос

ҳеҷ кас

ҳеҷ кас: nobody

Ҳеҷ кас набуд.
There was nobody.
Ҳеҷ кас ба мо нагуфт.
Nobody told us.
Ман ҳеҷ касро доварӣ намекунам.
I judge nobody. (I don’t judge anybody.)

Tajik is a language that uses double negatives, so if you use a phrase like ҳеҷ кас (nobody) or ҳеҷ вақт (never) you also have to put the verb in the negative.


хеле: very

Онҳо аз шаҳр хеле дур рафтанд.
They went very far from the city.
Пагоҳӣ, хеле барвақт хеста, берун рафт.
In the morning, getting up very early, he went outside.

Synonyms: бисёр, анча, ҷудо


шоха: branch

Булбул шоха ба шоха мепарад.
The nightingale flies from branch to branch.
Шохаҳои чормағзро барои ҳезум истифода мебаранд.
They use the branches of the walnut tree for firewood.

This word can be used in many of the same ways that we would use branch in English –
шохаи ҳокимият – branch of power (government)
шохаи дарё – branch of a river
шохаи забон – branch of a language
шохаи илм – branch of science


малах: locust

Хӯроки ӯ малах ва асали ёбоӣ буд.
His food was locusts and wild honey.
Баҳорон ғизои кабк бештар аз гамбуск, малах ва ҳар гуна кирмҳо иборат аст.
In spring the food of the partridge is composed mostly of beetles, locusts and all kinds of worms.

чун мӯру малах (or мӯру малах барин) – like ants and locusts; used when you want to say that there is a lot of something.
There is a very short article about locusts in Tajik at Wikipedia: Малах.


заминҷунбӣ: earthquake

Мо аз заминҷунбӣ метарсем.
We are scared of earthquakes.
Аз заминҷунбӣ дар Тоҷикистон касе осеб надидааст.
Nobody was injured from the earthquake in Tajikistan.

Synonyms: заминларза, зилзила
Doing a quick google search shows that of these three words зилзила is the most common, then заминларза, and lastly заминҷунбӣ.