Word A Day

обёрӣ кардан

обёрӣ кардан: to irrigate

Мувофиқи тавсияи мутахассисон дар шароити ҷумҳуриамон картошказорро пас аз ҳар 5-6 рӯз обёрӣ мекунанд.
In accordance with the recommendations of the specialists of our republic, they irrigate the potato plantations every 5-6 days.
Бо сабаби камборишӣ киштзорҳо ба таври сунъӣ обёрӣ карда мешаванд.
Due to low rainfall the fields are irrigated with artificial methods.

The second sentence shows the passive tense of the verb.
обёри карда шудан: to be irrigated
In Tajik, the passive tense is not used much. The first sentence shows how the passive tense is avoided in Tajik. In English, one would probably say “the potato plantations are irrigated” (passive tense) instead of “they irrigate the potato plantations” (active tense), unless you have already defined who “they” are.

See also –
обёрӣ: irrigation


бол: wing

Афсӯс, ки ман паррандагон барин болу пар надорам.
What a shame that I don’t have wings and feathers like birds.
Сӯзанакҳо ҳашароти тезпарвоз буда, ду ҷуфт боли шаффоф доранд.
Dragonflies are fast-flying insects that have two pairs of clear wings.

Some more animal body parts –
нӯл: beak
пар: feather
дум: tail
сум: hoof
шох: horn
чангол: talon, claw

афсӯс, ки

афсӯс, ки: what a pity that, what a shame that

Афсӯс, ки шумо бо ман рафта натавонистед.
What a pity that you couldn’t go with me.
Афсӯс, ки ман инро дер фаҳмидам.
What a shame that I understood that late.
What a shame that I didn’t figure that out (or find that out) earlier.

Synonym: дареғо, ки

афсӯс: regret
афсӯс хӯрдан: to regret
афсӯсомез: regretful

бисёр афсӯс, ки: what a great pity that
сад афсӯс, ки: what a great pity that (one hundred regrets that)


барин: like

О-о, чӣ хел духтараки нағз, лӯхтакча барин.
Aw, what a nice little girl, like a little doll.
Ту ҳам ман барин фиреб хӯрдӣ.
You also, like me, believed the lie.

Synonyms: монанди…, мисли…

The word барин comes after the noun. As such, it is called a пасоянд (postposition).
ман барин = монанди ман
лӯхтакча барин = монанди лӯхтакча

гул барин зебо: beautiful like a flower, beautiful as a flower
шер барин нотарс: brave like a lion, brave as a lion
шиша барин шаффоф: clear like glass, clear as glass

чӣ барин? мисли чӣ? : like what?

There is one other пасоянд used often in colloquial Tajik – қатӣ (with). You can see how that is used here: Word of the Day – қатӣ: with.


даҳҳо: tens, dozens

Дар Душанбе даҳҳо театр, музей ва китобхонаҳо мавҷуданд.
In Dushanbe there are dozens of theatres, museums and libraries.
Дар натиҷаи тарма даҳҳо роҳи хурду бузург баста шуданд.
As a result of the avalanche dozens of small and large roads were blocked.

даҳ: ten

It sounds a bit strange in English to say “tens of” in these sentences, although that is what this word means. There is no Tajik word for “dozens”.

даҳҳо ҳазор: tens of thousands
даҳҳо миллион: tens of millions

In those examples, the words ҳазор and миллион are not pluralized.


тарма: avalanche

Ин минтақа макони тарма ва пиряхҳо мебошад.
This region is a place of avalanches and glaciers.
Соли гузашта дар роҳи Ишкошим-Хоруғ сию шаш тарма мушоҳида шуд.
Last year on the Ishkoshim-Khorog road thirty-six avalanches were observed.

Some other natural disasters:
зилзила: earthquake
оташфишонии вулқон: volcanic eruption
обхезӣ: flood
хушксолӣ: drought
сунамӣ: tsunami
тундбод: hurricane


арабӣ: Arabic

Луғат калимаи арабӣ аст.
Луғат (dictionary) is an Arabic word.
Ҳоло аксари аҳолӣ дар Африқои Шимолӣ бо забони арабӣ гуфтугӯ мекунанд.
At present, the majority of the population of North Africa speaks Arabic.

забони арабӣ: Arabic language, Arabic
аспи зоти арабӣ: Arabian (breed) horse
ҳарфҳои арабӣ: Arabic letters

In Tajik this word (and adjectives from country names – English, French etc.) is not usually capitalized.

гуфтугӯ кардан

гуфтугӯ кардан: to converse, to talk

Модарат ва бародаронат дар берун истодаанд ва мехоҳанд бо ту гуфтугӯ кунанд.
Your mother and brothers are standing outside and they want to talk to you.
Дар бозор ҳар рӯз бо ҳар кӣ вомехӯрд, гуфтугӯ мекард.
Every day in the market he conversed with everyone that he met.

Synonyms: гуфтушунид кардан, ба ҳамдигар гап задан

гуфтугӯ: conversation (noun)

This word is derived from гуфтан (to say, to tell) and implies a two-way conversation, as opposed to one person giving a speech.

The verb вохӯрдан (in the second sentence) is one in a small group of verbs where the prefix ме does not come at the beginning. You can read more about that in yesterday’s word of the day here – вохӯрдан: to meet


вохӯрдан: to meet, to meet up

Онҳо баъд аз чанд вақт бо ҳам вомехӯранд?
After how much time will they meet up with each other?
Баъди се моҳи дигар ба Молинди расида ва дар он ҷо баҳрнавардон бо ҳамдигар воҳӯрданд.
After three more months they reached Malindi and there the seafarers met up with each other.

There is a group of complex verbs in which a prefix has been added to a simple verb, such as баромадан, даровардан, даргушазтан. In a few of these complex verbs any additional prefix (ме- or на-) will come after the initial prefix.

даргирифтан: to catch fire
баргаштан: to return

Examples with additional prefixes ме- and на-
Present-future tense: дармегирад, бармегардам, вомехӯрем
Negation in the past: дарнагирифт, барнагаштам, вонахӯрдем
Negation in the future: дарнамегирад, барнамегардам, вонамехӯрем

If you know more examples of this kind of complex verb you can list them in the comment section.

зиён овардан

зиён овардан: to cause damage

Истихроҷи нафт дар баҳри Шимолӣ обро ифлос намуда, ба захираҳои мавҷудоти биологии баҳр, аз ҷумла ба моҳиён зиёни калон овардааст.
Oil production in the North Sea has polluted the water and caused significant damage to the biological resources of the sea, including the fish.
Селе, ки соли 1986 дар ноҳияи Айнӣ фаромада буд, ба маблағи миллион долар зиён овард.
The flood which hit the region of Aini in the year 1986 caused damage totaling a million dollars.

зиён: damage, harm
зиёновар: harmful
безиён: harmless