
моҳӣ: fish

Мо танҳо панҷ нон ва ду моҳӣ дорем.
We only have five bread and two fish.
“Ин моҳӣ аз қаиқи ман дарозтар будааст”, гуфт пирамард.
“This fish was longer than my boat”, said the old man.

моҳигир: fisherman
моҳигирӣ: fishing
моҳипарвар: fish farmer
моҳипарварӣ: fish farming
Notice that when you add a suffix to a word ending with ӣ, it is changed to и. You can’t have ӣ in the middle of a word.


кабк: partridge

Фақат қаҳ-қаҳи кабкон ва шар-шари оби чашма ба гӯш мерасад.
Only the chirp-chirp of partridges and the gurgle of the spring water is heard (reaches the ear).
Кабк қариб дар ҳамаи кӯҳҳои Тоҷикистон вомехӯрад.
One can come across a partridge in almost all the mountains of Tajikistan.

If you have a better translation for the sounds that partridges and waterfalls make, please make a note in the comments and I may change it.
In Tajik there are a lot of great words for sounds of things. Onomatopoeia is the formation of a word from a sound. In Tajik those are called калимаҳои тақлидӣ. The word тақлид means imitation or mimicry. Here are a few examples. This would be a fun thing to have a conversation about, so if you know of others please write them in the comments.
шибир-шибири борон: the drip-drop of rain
чир-чири малах: chirping of locusts
пичир-пичир: whispering
гулдур-гулдури раъду барқ: the roll of thunder
тақар-туқур: crashing and banging
ак-аки саг: the barking of a dog


гулмоҳӣ: trout

Як гулмоҳӣ аз 2 то 5 кг вазн дорад.
One trout has a weight of from 2 to 5 kilos.
Аз ҳама зебо гулмоҳии зарди тиллоранг аст.
The most beautiful of them all is the golden yellow trout.

If you know the translations of any other kinds of fish feel free to write them in the comments section.
Definition from the Tajik dictionary: моҳии на он қадар калон, ки дар рӯи баданаш холҳои сурху сиёҳтоб дорад ва гӯшташ хеле болаззат аст; холмоҳӣ.

паланги барфӣ

паланги барфӣ: snow leopard

Сокинон гуфтанд, ки дар ним соли гузашта паланги барфӣ беш аз 70 бузу гӯсфандро куштааст.
Residents said that in the past half year the snow leopard has killed more than 70 goats and sheep.
Вале мардум медонанд, ки паланги барфӣ ҷонвари нодир аст ва аз ҳамин хотир кӯшиш мекунанд, ки ба он зарар нарасонанд.
But people know that the snow leopard is a rare creature and therefore they try not to harm it.

Adding the suffix ӣ to a noun changes it to an adjective.
барф: snow (noun)
барфӣ: snow, snowy, of snow (adjective)
These sentences were taken from an article on the Ozodi website. Here is the link if you would like to read the whole thing: Сокинони Бартанг паланги барфиро озод карданд.


гӯсфанд: sheep

Мурод ба ҷустуҷӯи гӯсфандон даромад.
Murod went out to look for his sheep.
Моҳи декабр 1 кило гӯшти гов 30 ва 1 кило гӯшти гӯсфанд 32 сомонӣ арзиш дошт.
In December 1 kilo of beef cost 30 Somoni and 1 kilo of mutton cost 32 Somoni.

In speech, to make something plural the suffix -ҳо is usually added , but in written Tajik for animate objects (living things) the suffix -он is usually used.
In English we have words for different kinds of meat, like beef and mutton; but in Tajik they just say cow meat and sheep meat.