
лаклак: stork

Дар олам ҳабдаҳ намуди лаклакҳо мавҷуданд. Дар Тоҷикистон ду намуд – лаклакҳои сафед ва сиёҳ зиндагӣ мекунанд.
In the world there are seventeen types of stork. In Tajikistan two types of stork live – white storks and black storks.
Лаклаки сиёҳ нисбат ба лаклаки сафед хурдтар аст.
The black stork compared to the white stork is smaller.

Some Tajik children’s stories have storks. You can read one here: Рӯбоҳ ва Лаклак(The Fox and the Stork).


шоха: branch

Булбул шоха ба шоха мепарад.
The nightingale flies from branch to branch.
Шохаҳои чормағзро барои ҳезум истифода мебаранд.
They use the branches of the walnut tree for firewood.

This word can be used in many of the same ways that we would use branch in English –
шохаи ҳокимият – branch of power (government)
шохаи дарё – branch of a river
шохаи забон – branch of a language
шохаи илм – branch of science


малах: locust

Хӯроки ӯ малах ва асали ёбоӣ буд.
His food was locusts and wild honey.
Баҳорон ғизои кабк бештар аз гамбуск, малах ва ҳар гуна кирмҳо иборат аст.
In spring the food of the partridge is composed mostly of beetles, locusts and all kinds of worms.

чун мӯру малах (or мӯру малах барин) – like ants and locusts; used when you want to say that there is a lot of something.
There is a very short article about locusts in Tajik at Wikipedia: Малах.


заминҷунбӣ: earthquake

Мо аз заминҷунбӣ метарсем.
We are scared of earthquakes.
Аз заминҷунбӣ дар Тоҷикистон касе осеб надидааст.
Nobody was injured from the earthquake in Tajikistan.

Synonyms: заминларза, зилзила
Doing a quick google search shows that of these three words зилзила is the most common, then заминларза, and lastly заминҷунбӣ.


булбул: nightingale

Марям булбул барин месарояд.
Mariam sings like a nightingale.
Булбул паррандаи хурдакаки зебо ва хушовоз мебошад.
A nightingale is a small, beautiful and sweet-singing bird.

Here is a proverb. Feel free to discuss the meaning and when you could use this proverb in the comments below.
Шахси беватан – булбули бечаман.
A person without a homeland is like a nightingale without a meadow.
Tajik Wikipedia has a short article about nightingales that is not too difficult to read.