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Interactive Resources
Games and flash cards online
- Tajik Flashcards – Sets of flash cards developed by the US Department of Security. Interactive flash cards, with several options for how to use. For a challenge try space race.
- Intermediate learning modules. From CelCAR. There are 10 different texts to read and listen to. There are also 7 learning activities that go along with each text. You have to register to use this material, but registration is free.
- Multimedia CD-ROMS. From CeLCAR. Samples of multimedia CD-ROMs that are available to buy. The sample lesson is about food. There are games and audio to help you learn the words.
- Memrise is a website where people can create interactive lessons for others. Search for Tajik and you will find several. Maybe you could even make your own. (Memrise does not list Tajik as a separate language on their site. Tajik lessons are listed under Persian. They have to have 50 requests for a new language category before they will consider adding it.)