Tag: preposition
дар гирди
дар гирди: around
The people were sitting around him.
Моҳтоб дар як моҳ як маротиба дар гирди Замин давр мегардад.
In one month the moon rotates one time around earth.
Synonyms: гирди, дар атрофи, гирдогирди
дар гирди оташ давр задан: to go around the fire
дар гирди кураи замин саёҳат кардан: to travel around the globe
дар гирди арча рақс кардан: to dance around the (New Year’s) tree
дар гирди миз нишастан: to sit around the table
назди: to (near)
We can’t come to you today.
Ман назди шумо рафтаниям.
I intend to go to you.
The word назд means “near”. In Tajik it can be used to mean “to” when talking about going to see somebody. For example, in English one might say “I’m going to see my mother.” or “I’m going to my mother’s house.” But in Tajik they might just say, “Ман назди модарам меравам.”
The first sentence could also be (better) translated: We can’t come to see you today. We can’t come to your house today. Likewise, the second sentence could be translated: I intend to go see you. I intend to go to your house.
The second sentence uses a tense that means “intend to” or “want to”. There is more information about that tense in the comment section on this post: деҳа.
дар болои
дар болои: on, on top of
A city which is on top of a mountain cannot be hidden.
Дар болои зини аспаш рост шуда, ба даруни чорбоғ назар кард.
He stood up on the saddle of his horse, and looked inside the garden.
Opposite: дар зери (under)
дар байни
дар байни: among, between, in the middle of
The subject mainly comes at the beginning and sometimes in the middle of the sentence.
Уқёнуси Ҳинд дар Нимкураи ҷанубӣ дар байни уқёнусҳои Атлантик ва Ором воқеъ гардидааст.
The Indian Ocean is located in the southern hemisphere between the Atlantic and Pacific oceans.
Нилуфар дар байни хонандагони синфи дуюм аз ҳама зиёд шеър медонад.
Among the students in second grade, Nilufar knows more poems than all.
Synonyms: мобайни, дар миёни
дар байни як ҳафта: in the course of one week
дар байни худ: among ourselves