
гулбарг: petal

Ранги гулбаргҳои кӯкнор бунафш, гулобӣ, сурх ва сафед мешавад.
Poppy petals are purple, pink, red or white.
Гули дарахти биҳӣ калон буда, ранги гулбаргҳояш сафед ё гулобии хушбӯй мебошад.
The flowers of a quince tree are large, and its sweet-smelling petals are white or pink.

In Tajik, when talking about colours, the word ранг (colour) is almost always used, ранги кабуд instead of кабуд, for example. If we translate these two sentences word for word into English it will sound unnatural, for example, “The colour of poppy petals is purple, pink, red and white.”

You can find a few more sentences about flowers here: Word of the day, tag: flowers.

You can learn some flower names at Memrise Decks: Tajik Flowers.


садбарг: rose

Садбарг гули хушбӯй ва дорои рангҳои гуногун (сафед, гулобӣ, сурх, ва ғайрахо) мебошад.
A rose is a sweet-smelling flower that has various colours (white, pink, red and others).
Садбаргро дар Эрон, Ҳиндустон, Хитой ва бисёр мамлакатҳои ҷаҳон парвариш мекунанд.
They grow roses in Iran, India, China and many countries of the world.

Some other flowers:
офтобпараст: sunflower
наргис: daffodil
нилуфар: water lily

Learn more flower names at Decks – Tajik Flowers.


нилуфар: water lily

Дар дунё чил намуди нилуфар мерӯяд.
Forty kinds of water lily grow in the world.
Нилуфар гулест, ки дар кӯлҳо ва дигар обҳои истода месабзад.
A water lily is a flower that grows in lakes and other still waters.

Some other flower names:
садбарг: rose
офтобпараст: sunflower
наргис: daffodil

Learn more flower names at Memrise – Tajik Flowers. (You have to sign in to the site, but it is free to register.)
Read about water lilies on the Tiroz website: Гули Нилуфар.