
коргар: worker

Дарав бисёр аст, лекин коргарон кам.
The harvest is great, but the workers are few.
Соли 1834 дар Лион шӯриши дуюми коргарон ба амал омад.
In the year 1834 in Lyon the second uprising of the workers took place.

Synonym: меҳнаткаш

кор: work

Adding the suffix -бон, -гар, -гор, -кор, or –чӣ to a noun forms a new noun that is a type of person. Some examples –
ҷиноят: crime
ҷинояткор: criminal
миз: table
мизбон: host
ҳимоя: defense
ҳимоягар: defender
хиёнат: betrayal
хиёнатчӣ: traitor

See more examples here: Expand Your Vocabulary: Suffixes


мӯзадӯз: bootmaker

Мӯзадӯз мӯза медӯзад.
A bootmaker makes (sews) boots.
Ӯ дар ғарби Эрон дар хонаводаи мӯзадӯз ба дунё омадааст.
He was born into the household of a bootmaker in the west of Iran.

мӯза: boot
дӯхтан: to sew (stem is дӯз)
мӯзадӯзӣ: bootmaking

Some other compound words using дӯз, the present stem of дӯхтан –
абрешимдӯз: silk sewer, one who sews silk
гулдӯз: one who embroiders patterns on fabric
зардӯз: one who sews designs on fabric with gold thread
кафандӯз: one who sews burial clothes
кафшдӯз, пойафзолдӯз: shoe maker
хаймадӯз: tentmaker

Article and video about a bootmaker in Tajikistan: Мӯзадӯзи мақомот


мусофир: traveller

Бист нафар мусофирон билети парвоз хариданд.
Twenty passengers bought plane tickets.
Мо мусофирем, ҷое надорӣ, ки як-ду рӯз дам гирем?
We are travellers; do you not have a place that we can rest one or two days?

Synonym: сафаркунанда

мусофирбар: passenger (adj.)
киштии мусофирбари «Титаник»: passenger ship Titanic
мусофирхона: inn, hotel
мусофир кашондан: to carry passengers

Tajik has some special counting words, and нафар is a counting word for people. You can read more about its use here: Word of the Day: нафар.


кас: person

Маълум шуд, ки дар меҳмонхона фақат барои чаҳор кас ҷой будааст.
It became clear that in the guest house there was only room for four people.
Ман ғайр аз ҳамон духтар, ҳеҷ каси дигарро ба занӣ намегирам.
Besides that girl, I will not take another person as my wife.

Synonyms: шахс, одам, нафар

Notice in the first person that the plural is not used. This is because in Tajik, the plural form of the noun is not used after a number.

See also –
ҳар кас: everybody
ҳеҷ кас: somebody


одам: person, man, human

Он одамро намешиносам.
I don’t know that person.
Падараш одами иззатманд буда, ҳама ӯро ҳурмат мекарданд.
His father was an honourable man and everybody respected him.

одамизод: humankind
одамкуш: murderer
одамдузд: kidnapper
одамхӯрӣ: cannibalism

Одам is also the name of the first human, translated in English as Adam.


сайёҳ: traveler, tourist

Ҳар сол ба Италия бештар аз 35 миллион нафар сайёҳон меоянд.
Every year more than 35 million tourists come to Italy.
Дар ИМА 50 парки миллӣ мавҷуд аст, ки онҳоро соле бештар аз 30 миллион сайёҳон тамошо мекунанд.
In the USA there are 50 national parks that more than 30 million tourists visit in a year.

Synonyms: саёҳаткунанда, сафаркунанда, ҷаҳонгард

In Tajikistan the Russian loan word, турист, is still commonly used.

сайёҳӣ: tourism

In Tajikistan 2018 has been declared “Соли рушди сайёҳӣ ва ҳунарҳои мардумӣ”, the year of the development of tourism and handicrafts.


нависанда: author

Кароматуло Мирзо яке аз нависандагони номдори тоҷик мебошад.
Karomatullo Mirzo is one of the famous Tajik authors.
Дар кӯдакиам вақте ки муддати дароз касал шудам, ба ман бисъёр китобҳои нависандаҳои рус ва хориҷиро хонда медоданд.
In my childhood when I was sick for a long time, they read to me lots of books with Russian and foreign authors.

There are two plural endings for nouns: ҳо and он. The ending он is only used for animate objects (people, animals etc.) with a few exceptions. The ending ҳо is the usual ending in casual speech. When a noun ends in a vowel the ending is гон instead of он, as in нависандагон.

The word набисанда is composed of the present tense verb stem, навис-, and the suffix анда. Here are a few more words formed in the same way.
хонанда: reader
нӯшанда: drinker
ронанда: driver
харанда: buyer
диҳанда: giver
парастанда: worshipper
чинанда: picker, one who picks


ятим: orphan

Аз ҳама гандатар се чиз аст: якум дуздӣ, дуюм ятимонро озор додан, сеюм бахилӣ. (Сотим Улуғзода)
Three things are worse than all: first theft, second to mistreat the orphans, third greed.
Ӯ дар тифлӣ аз падар ятим мондааст.
He was left an orphan in his childhood by his father (by his father’s death).

Synonym: сағир

ятимхона: orphanage


оҳангар: blacksmith, iron forger

Ҳадиса соли 1940 дар деҳа дар оилаи оҳангар ба дунё омадааст.
Hadisa was born into the family of a blacksmith in the village in the year 1940.
Оҳангар аз оҳан табар, дос, наъла, корд ва ғайра месозад.
A blacksmith makes axes, sickles, horseshoes, knives and other things from iron.

Adding the suffix гар to a noun forms a new noun that is a type of person. You can find more examples on this pdf: Expand Your Vocabulary – Suffixes.

оҳан: iron
оҳангархона: smithy (place where a blacksmith works)
оҳангарӣ: blacksmithing, iron working


кӯдак: child

Ҳангоме ки онҳо дар Баит-Лаҳм буданд, вақти таваллуди кӯдак фаро расид.
While they were in Bethlehem the time for the birth of the child arrived.
Дар Тоҷикистон бори нахуст Энсиклопедия (Донишнома) барои кӯдакон бо забони тоҷикӣ нашр шуд.
In Tajikistan for the first time an encyclopedia for children in Tajik has been published.

Synonym: тифл

кӯдаки навзод: newborn child
кӯдаквор: childlike
кӯдакдор: (adj.) having a child or children, as in зани кӯдакдор, a woman with a child

To pluralize something living you can use the suffix он instead of ҳо. Colloquially both endings are used, but in writing the suffix он is usually used.