
тавонистан: to be able

Шумо шино карда метавонед? Ҳа метавонам.
Сan you swim? Yes I can. (Are you able to swim. Yes, I am able.)
Ман метавонам ба шумо пул диҳам.
I can give you money. (I am able to give you money.)

The second sample sentence could also be written like this:
Ман ба шумо пул дода метавонам.
Colloquially, the letters ав are often dropped. So the first example would be:
Шумо шино карда метонед? Ҳа метонам.
From the same root, тавоно is an adjective that means “able”, and is sometimes translated as “powerful” or “capable”.


баргаштан: to return, to come back

Онҳо дирӯз ба хона баргаштанд.
Yesterday they came back home.
Ба Тоҷикистон бармегардам.
I will return to Tajikistan.

The verb баргаштан is one of a few, where when putting it in future tense the prefix ме- is not at the beginning of the word. Here are a couple more verbs that work in a similar way.
даргирифтан – to catch on fire
баркашидан – to weigh
If you know of others please leave a comment.


тарсидан: to be scared

Ман аз ту наметарсам!
I am not scared of you!
Аз сояи худ метарсад.
He is scared of his own shadow.

Don’t confused тарсидан (to be scared) with тарсондан (to scare).
Ман аз вай тарсидам – I was scared of him.
Ман вайро тарсондам. – I scared him.
Somebody who is scared of everything is тарсончак.

иштирок кардан

иштирок кардан: to participate

Метавонӣ иштирок кунӣ.
You can participate.
Баҳром бо дӯстонаш дар мусобиқаи ҳоккей иштирок кард.
Bahrom participated in the hockey match with his friends.

Иштирок by itself means participation (a noun).
Combine ишторок with the very helpful suffix кунанда (one who does) to get иштироккунанда – one who participates, or the participant.

тасаввур кардан

тасаввур кардан: to imagine

Зиндагиро бе нон тасаввур кардан душвор аст.
It is difficult to imagine life without bread.
Худамро дар ҷои онҳо тасаввур мекардам ва мехостам мисли онҳо донишҷӯ бошам.
I would imagine myself in their place, and wanted to be a university student like them.

Here’s a great way to start a sentence:
Ман ҳеҷ тасаввур намекардам, ки … – I never would have imagined that …


коридан: to sow, to plant

Як сол харбуза корид.
One year he planted melon.
Ба парандагони осмон нигоҳ кунед, ки на мекоранд ва на медараванд ва на дар анборҳо захира мекунанд.
Look at the birds of the air that neither sow nor reap nor store in barns.

Most words in Word of the Day have tags so you can search for different kinds of words. For example if you click on the verb tag you can see all of the verbs that have used so far.
To review all of the words for each month go to Memrise: Word of the Day. Each level is a different month.


танидан: to weave

Тортанакҳо дар гӯшаҳои хонаҳо торҳо метанад ва хона месозад.
Spiders weave strings (webs) and make houses in the corners of rooms.
Дар рӯи як ҳавлӣ кампире карбос танида нишаста буд.
In one yard an old lady sat weaving cloth.

Synonyns: тофтан, бофтан
How to remember this word: The present tense stem тан is in тортанак (spider). Тор is “string”, so тортанак is “string weaver”.

ба дунё омадан

ба дунё омадан : to be born

Бачахои мо дар Канада ба дунё омаданд.
Our children were born in Canada.
Дар деҳаи Панҷрӯди водии Зарафшон шоири номдори тоҷик Рӯдакӣ ба дунё омад.
In the village of Panjrudi in the Zarfashon valley the famous Tajik poet Rudaki was born.

Ба дунё омадан means to come into the world, and is just one of the ways of saying “to be born”.
Аз дунё гузаштан, to leave the world, is one of the ways of saying “to die”.
And … if you like reading about animals born with 5 feet: Дар Панҷакент гӯсолаи 5-поча ба дунё омад.

истеҳсол кадран

истеҳсол кадран: to produce

Дар давоми 6 моҳ дар Тоҷикистон 2096 кг тилло истеҳсол карда шуд.
Within 6 months in Tajikistan 2096 kilos of gold have been produced.
Аз кӯҳҳои Помир нуқраю тилло ва сангҳои қиматбаҳо истеҳсол карданд.
From the mountains of the Pamirs, silver, gold and precious stones were produced.

Notice that the word истеҳсол has the same three root consonants (ҳ, с, л) as the word ҳосил (harvest, product, result) and маҳсулот (products, produce, output).
Make use of suffixes to add more words to your vocabulary. истеҳсолкунанда: producer (noun), истеҳсолӣ: productive (adj.)

табдил ёфтан

табдил ёфтан: to be changed, to turn into

Бороне, ки субҳи шанбе ба боридан шурӯъ кард, шаб ба барф табдил ёфт.
The rain which began on Saturday morning, changed to snow at night.
Шумо ғамгин мешавед, лекин ғами шумо ба шодӣ табдил меёбад.
You will be sorrowful, but your sorrow will turn into joy.

Табдил, like many other words with the pattern та??и?, where each ? represents a consonant, is an Arabic loan word. Using those 3 consonants you can usually find other related words. In this case: бадал – substitute, мубаддал – changed.
Here is another example: табрик – муборак – баракат.