офтоб: sun
Яке аз ситораҳо Офтоб мебошад.
One of the stars is the sun.
Гуфтанд, ки субҳ борон меборад, аммо офтоб баромад.
They said that in the morning it would rain, but the sun came out.
One of the stars is the sun.
Гуфтанд, ки субҳ борон меборад, аммо офтоб баромад.
They said that in the morning it would rain, but the sun came out.
For today, in Dushanbe from Обу ҳаво (the Weather) –
Тулӯи офтоб: 07:37 (Sunrise)
Нишасти офтоб: 17:09 (Sunset)
офтобӣ: solar, of the sun (adj.)
системаи офтобӣ: solar system