
офтоб: sun

Яке аз ситораҳо Офтоб мебошад.
One of the stars is the sun.
Гуфтанд, ки субҳ борон меборад, аммо офтоб баромад.
They said that in the morning it would rain, but the sun came out.

For today, in Dushanbe from Обу ҳаво (the Weather) –
Тулӯи офтоб: 07:37 (Sunrise)
Нишасти офтоб: 17:09 (Sunset)

офтобӣ: solar, of the sun (adj.)
системаи офтобӣ: solar system


жола: hail

Рӯзи 26-уми ноябр дар баъзе аз минтақаҳои Тоҷикистон, аз ҷумла шаҳри Душанбеву Ваҳдат жола борид.
On the 26th of November it hailed in some regions of Tajikistan including Dushanbe and Vahdat.
Баъзан қутри донаи жола ба якчанд сантиметр мерасад.
Sometimes the thickness of a piece of hail can reach several centimeters.

Alternate (and less common) spelling: ҷола
жола боридан: to hail

See other weather words from Word of the Day here- tag: weather.

борон боридан

борон боридан: to rain

Чил шабу чил рӯз борон борид.
It rained for forty nights and forty days.
Агар борон борад, ба ҳеҷ куҷо намеравам.
If it rains, I am not going anywhere.

шибир-шибири борон: the drip-drop of rain
Learn Tajik by singing a kids song: The Rains Came Down and The Floods Came Up
Click to see more weather related words: Word of the Day: weather tag


иқлим: climate

Одатан иқлими тобистонаи Тоҷикистон гарм ва хушк аст.
Usually the summer climate of Tajikistan is warm and dry.
Иқлими Тоҷикистон барои чорводорӣ, зироатпарварӣ хеле мусоид аст.
The climate of Tajikistan is very favourable for raising livestock and growing crops.

тағйири иқлим: climate change
иқлимшинос: climatologist


абрнок: cloudy

Ҳаво имрӯз хеле абрнок шуд.
The weather today was very cloudy.
Дар вилояти Бадахшон ҳавои абрнок пешгӯйӣ гардидааст.
In the region of Badakhshon cloudy weather has been forecast.

Synonyms: абрӣ, абргирифта

Opposite: беабр

Read the weather report in Tajik to learn other weather words. Here is one: Weather Channel, weather in Ozyankino, Russia. You can also search for the city where you live. Make sure language is set to Tajik.
асосан абрнок: mainly cloudy
қисман абрнок: partly cloudy
осмони абрнок: cloudy sky
ҳавои абрнок: cloudy weather


заминҷунбӣ: earthquake

Мо аз заминҷунбӣ метарсем.
We are scared of earthquakes.
Аз заминҷунбӣ дар Тоҷикистон касе осеб надидааст.
Nobody was injured from the earthquake in Tajikistan.

Synonyms: заминларза, зилзила
Doing a quick google search shows that of these three words зилзила is the most common, then заминларза, and lastly заминҷунбӣ.


тирукамон: rainbow

Дирўз баъди борон тирукамон баромад.
Yesterday after the rain a rainbow came out.
Тирукамони ҳафтранг пайдо шуд.
A seven-coloured rainbow appeared.

Sometimes two words or verb stems can be combined with у to form a new word.
тирукамон: rainbow – тир:arrow, камон:bow
рафтуомад: relationship – рафт: past tense stem of to go, омад: past tense stem of to come
нигоҳубин: care – нигоҳ: a look, бин – present tense stem of to see