Tag: verb
муяссар шудан
муяссар шудан: to be possible, to manage
сар шудан
сар шудан: to begin, to start
имкон додан
имкон додан: to enable, to allow
обёрӣ кардан
обёрӣ кардан: to irrigate
See also –
обёрӣ: irrigation
гуфтугӯ кардан
гуфтугӯ кардан: to converse, to talk
Your mother and brothers are standing outside and they want to talk to you.
Дар бозор ҳар рӯз бо ҳар кӣ вомехӯрд, гуфтугӯ мекард.
Every day in the market he conversed with everyone that he met.
Synonyms: гуфтушунид кардан, ба ҳамдигар гап задан
гуфтугӯ: conversation (noun)
This word is derived from гуфтан (to say, to tell) and implies a two-way conversation, as opposed to one person giving a speech.
The verb вохӯрдан (in the second sentence) is one in a small group of verbs where the prefix ме does not come at the beginning. You can read more about that in yesterday’s word of the day here – вохӯрдан: to meet
вохӯрдан: to meet, to meet up
After how much time will they meet up with each other?
Баъди се моҳи дигар ба Молинди расида ва дар он ҷо баҳрнавардон бо ҳамдигар воҳӯрданд.
After three more months they reached Malindi and there the seafarers met up with each other.
There is a group of complex verbs in which a prefix has been added to a simple verb, such as баромадан, даровардан, даргушазтан. In a few of these complex verbs any additional prefix (ме- or на-) will come after the initial prefix.
даргирифтан: to catch fire
баргаштан: to return
Examples with additional prefixes ме- and на-
Present-future tense: дармегирад, бармегардам, вомехӯрем
Negation in the past: дарнагирифт, барнагаштам, вонахӯрдем
Negation in the future: дарнамегирад, барнамегардам, вонамехӯрем
If you know more examples of this kind of complex verb you can list them in the comment section.
зоидан: to give birth
She gave birth to her first son.
Фил дар панҷ сол як бача мезояд.
An elephant gives birth once in five years.
Synonyms: бача овардан, сабук шудан
зоёндан: to deliver (a baby or animal)
зоида шудан: to be born
дурӯғ гуфтан
дурӯғ гуфтан: to lie
They are lying.
Ба якдигар дурӯғ нагӯед.
Don’t lie to one another.
Opposite –
рост гуфтан: to tell the truth
дурӯғ: lie (noun)
дурӯғгӯ: liar
фарбеҳ шудан
фарбеҳ шудан: to gain weight
I gained three more kilos.
Барои фарбеҳ нашудан бисёртар сайругашт карда, ба варзиш ва кори ҷисмонӣ машғул шудан лозим аст.
In order to not gain weight, it is necessary to walk a lot and engage in exercise and physical activity.
Opposites: лоғар шудан, хароб шудан
фарбеҳ кардан: to fatten