
сохтан: to build

Парандагони осмон дар шохаҳои дарахт лона сохтанд.
The birds of the air built nests in the branches of the tree.
Ҷойгаҳро аз чӯбу оҳан месозанд.
They make beds from wood and iron.

The second sentence can also be translated “Beds are made from wood and iron”.

аз нав сохтан: to rebuild

The present stem of сохтан (соз) can be combined with nouns to make compound words –
соатсоз: watch builder, watchmaker
роҳсоз: road builder

фарқ кардан

фарқ кардан – to differ

Атмосфераи Замин аз атмосфераи дигар сайёраҳо фарк мекунад.
The atmosphere of the earth differs from the atmosphere of other planets.
Ҳар як халқ таомҳои миллии худро дорад, ки онҳо аз таомҳои халқҳои дигар фарқ мекунанд.
Every people group has its own national foods that differ from the foods of other people groups.

фарқ: difference
фарқ доштан: to have a difference (or differences)


пурсидан: to ask

Ман аз ҳеҷ кас ҳеҷ чизе напурсидам.
I didn’t ask anybody anything.
Падарам аз вай пурсид: «Номи ту чист?»
My father asked him, “What is your name?”

Synonyms: суол кардан

иҷозат пурсидан: to ask for permission
маслиҳат пурсидан: to ask for advice

пурсишнома: questionnaire
пурсанда: questioner, person who is asking a question

хоб рафтан

хоб рафтан: to sleep

Ман рӯзи шанбе дар хонаи бибиям хоб рафтам.
I slept at my grandmother’s house on Saturday.
Ман хоб рафта наметавонам.
I can’t sleep.
Вай дар вақташ хоб меравад.
She goes to sleep on time.

Synonyms: хобидан, хуфтан

This word can also be used as in English to say that your leg (foot, arm etc.) has gone to sleep.

Хобатон хуш!: Sleep well!
аз хоб хестан: to wake up
хоб омадан: to be sleepy (e.g. хобам омад)
хоб паридан: to not be tired any more because of something that happened (e.g хобам парид)


хандидан: to laugh

Рустам аз шодӣ баланд хандид.
Rustam laughed loudly with joy.
Чаро механдед?
Why are you laughing?

Synonym: ханда кардан

хандаовар: funny (ханда: laughter + stem of овардан:to bring)
хандондан: to make somebody laugh
хандонрӯй: happy-faced, cheerful

Learn more verbs at Memrise: Tajik First 100 Verbs

гум кардан

гум кардан: to lose

Агар намак қувваташро гум кунад, бо кадом чиз боз намакин шавад?
If salt loses its strength, with what can it be made salty again?
Дирӯз модарам як ҳалқаи тиллояшро гум кард.
Yesterday my mother lost one of her gold earrings.

гуш шудан: to be lost, to become lost
Гум шав!: Get lost! (not polite)
қобилияти худро гум кардан: to lose one’s ability
гапро гум кардан: to lose one’s words; to forget what you were going to say
роҳ гум кардан: to lose one’s way

чен кардан

чен кардан: to measure

Суръати бодро бо асбоби анемометр чен мекунанд.
They measure wind speed with an anemometer.
Ҳафт бор чен куну як бор бур.
Measure seven times, and cut one time.

Synonym: андоза кардан

ченкунак: measuring tape, measuring tool
ченкунӣ: measuring

In English one could say, “Wind speed is measured with an anemometer” (passive voice) rather than “They measure wind speed with an anemometer”. In Tajik it is less common to use the passive voice and more common to use the third person plural, as in today’s sample sentence.
Also, in the first sentence, the word асбоб means tool or instrument, but it is not needed in the English translation.

ифода кардан

ифода кардан: to express

Мо фикрамонро бо ҷумла ифода мекунем.
We express our thought with a sentence.
Суръати бодро бо километр дар соат ифода мекунанд.
The speed of the wind is expressed with kilometres per hour

Synonyms: баён кардан, фаҳмондан

ифоданок: with expression, expressively, with meaning

The first sentence could also be translated “We express our thoughts with sentences”. In Tajik the singular is often used in instances where the plural would be used in English.

The second sentence could also be translated “They express the speed of the wind with kilometers per hour”. In Tajik, the third person plural is often used in the sense of “one” as in “One expresses the speed of the wind with kilometres per hour”.


хондан: to read

Ин китобро хондӣ?
Did you read this book?
Додарам дар айёми бачагӣ хондан ва навиштанро дӯст медошт.
My little brother in his childhood loved to read and to write.

The verb хондан has several other translations including to name, to study and to call. The translation is determined from the context. For example:
Ман дар институт мехонам. I study at the university.
Ман туро бародар мехонам. I call (name) you my brother. (You are like a brother to me.)
Ман Худоро мехонам. I call (out) to God.

суруд хондан: to sing (a song)