бо хурсандӣ

бо хурсандӣ: happily, with happiness

Онҳо ба як вилояти дурдаст рафта, хар ду бо хурсандӣ зиндагонӣ карданд.
They went to a distant region and both lived happily.
Вақте ки вориди Уршалим шудем, онҳо моро бо хурсандӣ қабул карданд.
When we arrived in Jerusalem, they received us with happiness.

Adding the suffix -ӣ to an adjective changes it to a noun.
хурсанд: happy
хурсандӣ: happiness
бо хурсандӣ: with happiness, happily

Some other examples:
ором: peaceful, quiet
оромӣ: peacefulness
бо оромӣ: peacefully, quietly
душвор: difficult
душворӣ: difficulty
бо душворӣ: with difficulty
осон: easy
осонӣ: ease
бо осонӣ: with ease, easily


тез: quickly

Пашшаи хонагӣ хеле тез парвоз карда метавонад.
A house fly can fly very quickly.
Баъд аз пухтан тухмро ба оби хунук меандозанд, то ин ки пусташ тез ҷудо шавад.
After cooking, eggs are put in cold water so that the shell can be quickly separated.
Солҳо тез мегузаранд.
The years pass quickly.

Synonyms: зуд, бошитоб

In these sample sentences, тез is used as an adverb, but it can also be an adjective.
ҳавопаймои тез: fast aeroplane

The word тез can also mean “sharp”, and “spicy”.

тез калон шудан: to grow up quickly
тез хашмгин шудан: to quickly become angry

Тез is also used in a lot of compound words, like тезпарвоз (fast-flying).


шабона: in the evening, at night

Онҳо аз дарё шабона гузаштанд.
They crossed the river at night.
Зардуштиён ба суйи равшанӣ ибодат ва парастиш мекарданд, рӯзона ба офтобу шабона ба моҳ.
Zoroastrians praised and worshiped towards the light, in the day to the sun and at night to the moon.

The word шабона can also be used an adjective.
институти шабона: night school

рӯзона: by day, in the day time

Answer to yesterday’s riddle:
If you read “ако” and “амак” backwards,
You will, of course, see two world rivers.

The rivers Oka and Kama are two major rivers in Russia.


аввал: first

Аввал авқот паз, баъд телевизор тамошо кун.
First cook the food, then watch television.
Ин бори аввал нест, ки ман туро дар инҷо мебинам.
This is not the first time that I have seen you here.

2 забурмасал (proverbs, sayings) –
Аввал андеша баъд гуфтор. First a thought, then a speech. Equivalent to “Think before you speak”.
Аввал бубин ҷои худ, баъд бимон пои худ. First see your place, then put your foot. Similar to “Look before you leap”. It is often used in relation to financial decisions, as in “don’t take on more than you can handle”.


дирӯз: yesterday

Дирӯз рӯзи сешанбе буд.
Yesterday was Tuesday.
Ман дирӯз ба назди ту омада натавонистам.
I was not able to come to you yesterday.

synonyms: рӯзи гузашта, дина
дирӯзакак: a few days ago

Learn дирӯз, the days of the week, and other words to do with day and night here: Memrise: Tajik Day and Night


порсол: last year

Ин китобро ман порсол харида будам.
I bought this book last year.
Порсол дар Тоҷикистон беш аз 1200 тонна пилла истеҳсол шуда буд.
Last year in Tajikistan more than 1200 tons of silk cocoons were produced.

Try to use the word “порсол” five times today in your conversations.
Find out how to say “two years ago” or “the year before last”.