
нок: pear

Дар Тоҷикистон сенздаҳ навъи нокро парвариш мекунанд.
In Tajikistan they cultivate thirteen kinds of pears.
Пухтарасии меваи нок чун себ аз моҳи июн шурӯъ шуда, то моҳи октябр давом мекунад.
The ripening of pears, like apples, starts in June and lasts until October.

The first sentence could also be translated in the passive voice, which is not used much in Tajik.
“Thirteen kinds of pears are cultivated in Tajikistan.”

You can learn the names of more fruit at Memrise: Tajik Fruit and Nuts.


мева: fruit

Дарахти хубе нест, ки меваи бад меоварда бошад.
There is no good tree that can produce bad fruit.
Ҳар дарахт аз мевааш шинохта мешавад.
Every tree is recognized by its fruit.

меваи хушк: dried fruit
мевадор: fruit-bearing, having fruit
мевафурӯш: fruit seller
мевафурӯшӣ: fruit-selling
мевачинӣ: fruit-picking

You can learn fruits at Memrise: Tajik Fruit and Nuts


лимӯ: lemon

Лимӯ меваи туршмазаи хушбўӣ аст, ки дар ҷойҳои зимистонаш гарм мерӯяд.
A lemon is a sour-tasting, sweet-smelling fruit, which grows in places where the winter is warm.
Мо лимӯ хариданӣ будем, аммо дар бозор лимӯ набудааст.
We were going to buy lemons, but in the market there were no lemons.

Лимӯ also means lemon tree.

лимӯранг: lemon-coloured
лимӯзор: lemon grove
лимӯпарвар: lemon grower
лимӯпарварӣ: lemon-growing

You can learn more fruits at Memrise: Tajik Fruit and Nuts


харбуза: melon

Мо аз бозор се дона харбуза харидем.
We bought three melons from the bazaar.
Мо аз сабзавот, мева, харбузаю тарбуз ҳеҷ камӣ надоштем.
We had no shortage of vegetables, fruit, melons and watermelons.

Because the word харбуза ends in a vowel, you can’t just put у on it for “and”. You either have to say “харбузаю тарбуз” or “харбузаву тарбуз”. Both ways are used.

There is a good article about харбуза and all its uses here: Tiroz website – харбуза

Need to practice your fruit and nuts vocab? You can do it at Memrise: Tajik Fruit and Nuts.


анҷир: fig

Дар Тоҷикистон ду намуди анҷир парвариш карда мешавад.
In Tajikistan two types of fig are grown.
Дарахти анҷир наметавонад зайтун оварад, ё токи ангур – анҷир.
A fig tree can’t produce olives, or a grapevine – figs.

анҷирзор: fig orchard
You can learn more words for fruit and nuts on Memrise: Tajik Fruit and Nuts


биҳӣ: quince

Аз меваҳо биҳӣ хеле дер гул мекунад ва дер мепазад.
Among the fruits quince blooms late and ripens late.
Биҳӣ қариб дар ҳама ноҳияҳои Тоҷикистон парвариш меёбад.
Quince is grown in almost all of the districts of Tajikistan.

Quince is also called себи биҳӣ.
You can read more about quince on Tajik wikipedia: биҳӣ.
To make this word an adjective, add the suffix гӣ.
мураббои биҳигӣ: quince preserves (jam)


тарбуз: watermelon

Тарбуз хеле болаззат буд.
The watermelon was very delicious.
Тарбузро зимни табобати артрит, фаромӯшхотирӣ ва камхунӣ истифода мебаранд.
They use watermelon in the treatment of arthritis, memory loss and anemia.

Need to practice your fruit and nuts vocab? You can do it at Memrise: Tajik Fruit and Nuts.
Here is a short funny video about somebody buying a watermelon: Тарбуз ту ширинаӣ?
Tajik idiom: тарбуз аз бағал афтидан = ноумед шудан (to drop one’s watermelon = to lose hope).
For example, if you thought you were going to get some money, but then you realized that you wouldn’t you could say, “Тарбуз аз бағалам афтид.”
Read more about the health benefits of watermelon here: Тарбуз.