тайёр кардан

тайёр кардан: to prepare

Меравам, то барои шумо ҷой тайёр кунам.
I will go to prepare a place for you.
Барои соҳибҷашн ва меҳмонони фахрӣ дар ҷои ба ҳама намоён ҷо тайёр мекунанд.
They prepare a place for the host of the banquet and the honoured guests that is visible to everyone.

Synonyms: омода кардан, муҳайё кардан

This verb is also used for doing homework, for example
Дарсро тайёр кун.: Prepare your lesson. Do your homework.

тайёркунанда: the one who does the preparations; the administrator


дидан: to see

Ҳеҷ чизро надидам.
I didn’t see anything.
Омадам, то ки туро бинам.
I came to see you.

If you need to learn more verbs, you can download a pdf with about 100 verbs, showing the future stems, here: Most Common Verbs. You can also see all the verbs that have appeared in Word of the Day here: verbs.

The verb дидан is also a helper verb. Here are some examples –
нағз дидан: to like, to love
ганда дидан: to dislike, to hate
рӯз дидан: to live
ҷазо дидан: to be punished
тайёрӣ дидан: to prepare, to get ready


ёфтан: to find

Ҳар кӣ ҷӯяд, меёбад.
All who seek will find.
Ман гӯсфанди гумшудаамро ёфтам.
I found my lost sheep.

Synonym: пайдо кардан
Ёфтан is also a helper verb (феъли ёридиҳанда) as in:
роҳ ёфтан: to find a way
шифо ёфтан: to be healed
таваллуд ёфтан: to be born
табдил ёфтан: to be changed

кашф кардан

кашф кардан: to discover

Норманҳо ҷазираи Гренландияро кашф карданд.
The Normans discovered the island of Greenland.
Астрофизикҳо сайёраи аҷиберо кашф карданд, ки дую ним баробар калонтар аз Замин мебошад.
Astrophysicists have discovered an amazing planet which is two and a half times larger than Earth.

Synonym: ошкор кардан

кашф шудан: to be discovered
кашфиёт: discovery


фаҳмондан: to explain

Ман инро ба ту мефаҳмонам.
I will explain this to you.
Ба хона баргашта ба бародару апаам ҳодисаро фаҳмондам.
I went back home and explained the event to my brother and sister.

Here is a joke using today’s word – a grandfather explains to his grandson why he and his wife never argue.

Some Tajik verbs can be made into causative verbs by inserting он in the verb; sometimes a letter is also omitted. Examples –
фаҳмидан: to understand
фаҳмондан: to explain (to make someone understand)
хӯрдан: to eat
хӯрондан: to feed (someone else)
кӯчидан: to move
кӯчондан: to make someone move, to evict
пӯшидан: to put on (an item of clothing)
пӯшондан: to dress (someone else)
тарсидан: to be scared
тарсондан: to scare (someone else)


донистан: to know

Ту медонӣ, ки туро дӯст медорам.
You know that I love you.
Барои ҷавонони имрӯза донистани забонҳои хориҷӣ хеле зарур аст.
For today’s youth knowing foreign languages is very important.

Well-known proverb: Забон донӣ – ҷаҳон донӣ.

Some other words with the same root –
забондон: linguist
ҳисобдон: accountant
дониш: knowledge
донишҷӯ: student
донишкада: college, institute


сухан буридан

сухан буридан: to interrupt

Собир сухани Сафарро бурид.
Sobir interrupted Safar.
Шариф чизе гуфтанӣ буд, лекин Шодӣ боз сухани ӯро бурид.
Sharif wanted to say something, but Shodi interrupted him again.

As the examples show, to use this verb the form is сухани касеро буридан.
It literally means “to cut (somebody’s) speech”.
Synonym: гап буридан
In every day speech гап буридан is more common than сухан буридан.
“Мебахшед, гапатонро буридам.”: “Sorry, I interrupted you.”


навиштан: to write

Ӯ шаш китоб навишт.
He wrote six books.
Онҳо мактуб менависанд.
They will write a letter.

Conjugation in the past –
Ман навиштам: I wrote
Ту навиштӣ: You wrote
Вай навишт: He wrote
Мо навиштем: We wrote
Шумо навиштед: You wrote
Онҳо навиштанд: They wrote
Conjugation in the future –
Ман менависам: I will write
Ту менависӣ: You will write
Вай менависад: He will write
Мо менависем: We will write
Шумо менависед: You will write
Онҳо менависанд: They will write

гуноҳ кардан

гуноҳ кардан: to sin

Маро бубахш, дигар гуноҳ намекунам.
Forgive me, I won’t sin again.
Агар хашмгин шуда бошед, гуноҳ накунед.
If you become angry, don’t sin.

Synonym: кори бад кардан
гуноҳ доштан: to have sin, to be guilty of something
гуноҳкор: sinner, somebody who has sinned
гуноҳи касеро бахшидан: to forgive somebody of their sin
You can review all of the Words of the Day for September at Memrise: Word of the Day, September 2017.

иҷро кардан

иҷро кардан: to fulfill, to carry out

Ман вазифаро аз ҳама пеш иҷро кардам.
I carried out (completed) the task before everybody else.
Ту кори дигаронро мон, кори худатро иҷро кун
Put aside the work of others, and fulfill your own work.

The verb иҷро кардан can often be translated simply as to do, but it has a sense of completion, doing the job and finishing it.
Synonyms: ба ҷо овардан, ба амал овардан