
коридан: to sow, to plant

Як сол харбуза корид.
One year he planted melon.
Ба парандагони осмон нигоҳ кунед, ки на мекоранд ва на медараванд ва на дар анборҳо захира мекунанд.
Look at the birds of the air that neither sow nor reap nor store in barns.

Most words in Word of the Day have tags so you can search for different kinds of words. For example if you click on the verb tag you can see all of the verbs that have used so far.
To review all of the words for each month go to Memrise: Word of the Day. Each level is a different month.


чормағз: walnut

Ноҳияи Ванҷ бо чормағзи аълосифат шӯҳрат дорад.
The region of Vanj is well known for its high-quality walnuts.
Дар Ванҷ дарахти чормағзе ҳаст, ки беш аз 700 сол умр дорад.
In Vanj there is a walnut tree that is more than 700 years old.

“Мағз” can mean brain or the kernel of a nut. Does a walnut look like it has 4 brains?
Learn more words for fruit and nuts on Memrise: Tajik Fruit and Nuts (For Memrise, you have to sign up to use it, but it is completely free.)


ҳосил: harvest

Имсол ҳосили мева хуб аст.
This year the harvest of fruit is good.
Дарахти чормағз дар ҳамаи мавзеъҳои Тоҷикистон ҳосили хуб медиҳад.
Walnut trees give a good harvest in all locations of Tajikistan.

Words with the pattern CVCVC (C=consonant; V=vowel) are often Arabic loan words, and we can find related words with the same three consonants in the same order. In this case маҳсул which means result or output. Ҳосилот and маҳсулот take the Arabic plural ending, but they are singular words meaning production, yield.


паранда: bird

Боғи ӯ ҳамеша пур аз парандагони рангоранг ва хушовоз буд. 
His garden was always full of colourful and sweet-voiced birds.
Парасту парандаи тезпар аст. Дар як соат то 200 километр парвоз мекунад.
A swallow is a fast-flying bird. In one hour it can fly up to 200 kilometres.

According to the Tajik dictionary (Фарҳанги Забони Тоҷикӣ) both паранда and парранда are correct spellings of this word.
How many birds can you list in Tajik? You can learn some on Memrise: Tajik Birds.
Here is a short story about a gardener and a bird: Достони Боғбон ва се панди паранда


қаиқ: boat

Вақти шаб шуд онҳо ба қаиқ савор шуда, ба соҳили дигари баҳр равона шуданд.
When evening came they got in the boat and headed for the other side of the sea.
“Ин моҳӣ аз қаиқи ман дарозтар будааст”, гуфт пирамард.
“This fish was longer than my boat,” said the old man.

Don’t get mixed up between this word and кайк – a flea. (Could make for some interesting language faux pas.)
Learn other words for kinds of transportation at Memrise: Tajik Transportation.


танидан: to weave

Тортанакҳо дар гӯшаҳои хонаҳо торҳо метанад ва хона месозад.
Spiders weave strings (webs) and make houses in the corners of rooms.
Дар рӯи як ҳавлӣ кампире карбос танида нишаста буд.
In one yard an old lady sat weaving cloth.

Synonyns: тофтан, бофтан
How to remember this word: The present tense stem тан is in тортанак (spider). Тор is “string”, so тортанак is “string weaver”.


китобхона: library

Ман бо Ситора ба китобхона рафтам.
I went with Sitora to the library.
Бунёди бинои нави Китобхонаи миллии Тоҷикистон соли 2007 оғоз ёфт.
The construction of the new National Library of Tajikistan began in 2007.

Китобхона is a compound word that is made up of two other nouns – китоб (book) and хона (house).
Here are a few other examples of compound words using хона – корхона: office (кор = work); касалхона: hospital (касал = sick); дарсхона: classroom (дарс = lesson).
If you can think of other compound words that use хона feel free to comment on this page.


маош: salary

Мо мехоҳем, ки ду ҳазор сомонӣ маош дошта бошем.
We want to have a salary of two thousand Somoni.
Маоши миёна дар Тоҷикистон дар соли ҷорӣ ба 127 доллар баробар будааст.
The average salary in Tajikistan for the current year is equal to 127 dollars.

Here is a recent short video of Dushanbe residents saying how much salary they would like to get.


дилсӯз: compassionate

Ба якдигар меҳрубон ва дилсӯз бошед.
Be kind and compassionate to one another.
Худованд бисёр дилсӯз ва раҳмдил аст.
God is very compassionate and merciful.

Another translation for дилсӯз is tenderhearted.
It would take a couple of days to study all the wonderful adjectives beginning with дил (heart), but well worth the effort. Here are a few: дилкушод –
generous; диловар – brave; дилзинда – cheerful