
ғор: cave

Рӯбоҳон ғорҳо ва парандагони осмон лонаҳо доранд.
Foxes have caves and birds of the air have nests.
Аз даруни ғор ба гӯшаш як ғулғулаи пурдаҳшат расид.
From inside the cave he heard a terrifying rumbling. (From inside the cave a terrifying rumbling reached his ear.)

ғорнишин: cave-dweller
Here is an interesting story about a cave high in the Aini district with a mummified body that people go to visit. The video on the page is not too difficult to understand. Ҷасади дар ғор


дарё: river

Дарозтарин дарё дар ҷаҳон дарёи Нил мебошад..
The longest river in the world is the river Nile.
Дарёи Вахш зимистон камоб мешавад.
The Vakhsh river is shallow in the winter.

ча is a suffix that can be used to mean something small. So дарёча is a small river, or a stream.