тару тоза

тару тоза: fresh

Меваҳои зардолуро ҳам тару тоза ва ҳам хушк карда истеъмол мекунанд.
Apricots are used both fresh and dried.
Деҳқон барои халқ меваю сабзавотҳои тару тозаро дастрас мекунад.
Farmers provide fresh fruit and vegetables for the people.

synonym: ботароват

тар: wet, damp
тоза: clean, new

гули тару тоза: fresh flower


калон: big, large

Кӯлҳои Авруосиё калон ва чуқуранд.
The lakes of Eurasia are large and deep.
Вай тӯрро пур аз моҳиёни калон ба хушкӣ кашид.
He pulled the net full of big fish on to dry land.

калонтар: bigger
калонтарин: biggest
аз ҳама калон: biggest of all
каппа-калон: very big (colloquial)

калонҷусса: large-bodied (as an animal or tree)
калонсол: old (in age)
роҳи калон: a wide road, a main road
калону хурд: big and small
калон шудан: to get big, to grow up
калон кардан: to raise (as in raise your children)
модаркалон: grandmother
падаркалон: grandfather
бибикалон: great-grandmother
бобокалон: great-grandfather

Калон can also to used to convey importance.
муаллими калон: head-teacher


душвор: difficult, hard

Ба ин савол ҷавоб додан душвор аст.
It is difficult to give an answer to this question.
Географияро бе харита омӯхтан душвор аст.
It is difficult to study geography without maps.

Synonym: мушкил
Antonym: осон (easy)

Add the letter ӣ to change the word from an adjective to a noun –
душворӣ: difficulty

душворфаҳм: difficult to understand
душворгузaр: difficult to cross (as in a bridge, or a stretch of bad road)


шӯр: salty

Оби Қарокӯл шӯр аст ва дар он тақрибан ҳаёт нест.
The water of Lake Karakul is salty and there is almost no life (living thing) in it.
Намак хуб аст; лекин агар намак шӯр набошад, бо чӣ шумо онро ислоҳ мекунед?
Salt is good; but if salt is not salty, with what can you correct it?

Synonyms: сернамак, намакин


курашакл: spherical, round

Замин ва дигар сайёраҳои системаи Офтоб курашакл мебошанд.
Earth and the other planets of the solar system are spherical.
Колумб фикр мекард, ки азбаски Замин курашакл аст, агар ба воситаи уқёнуси Атлантик ба ғарб ҳаракат кунад, дар шарқ ба соҳилҳои Осиё хоҳад расид.
Columbus thought that since the world is round, if he set out west by way of the Atlantic Ocean he would arrive in the east on the shores of Asia.

кура: sphere
шакл: shape

Other compound words can be formed with шакл. Here are a couple of examples.
бодомшакл: almond-shaped
ситорашакл: star-shaped

Here is a short (4 minute) video asking whether the earth is round or flat. The Tajik is clear and not too difficult to understand. Замини мо курашакл нест?!


мушкил: difficult

Зиндагӣ бе дӯст мушкил аст.
Life without a friend is difficult.
Кори нонпазӣ барои бачаи 11-12-сола хеле мушкил буд.
The work of baking bread was very difficult for an 11-12 year old boy.

Synonym: душвор, вазнин

Add the suffix ӣ to change the adjective to a noun.
мушкилӣ: difficulty

мушкилфаҳм: difficult to understand

A мушкилкушо (мушкил + кушо, verb stem of кушодан, to open) is a ceremony that a Tajik woman might have if she is facing some difficulties. She will invite some other ladies over and they will go through a series of rituals together.


фоидаовар: beneficial

Гуфта мешавад, меваи анҷир барои дарди буғумҳои бадан фоидаовар аст.
It can be said that the fig fruit is beneficial for joint pain in the body.
Оби чашма хусусияти шифобахшӣ дорад ва барои ҳазми хӯрок фоидаовар аст.
Spring water has a healing quality and is beneficial for the digestion of food.

фоида: benefit
овар: stem from овардан, to bring
So фоидаовар is “benefit bringing”.

Other adjectives can be formed by combining a noun with овар (stem from the verb овардан). Here are a few examples –
хандаовар: funny, bringing laughter
гиряовар: sad, bringing tears (crying)
аламовар: grievous, bringing grief
нанговар: shameful, bringing shame
шавқовар: interesting, bringing interest
харобиовар: destructive, bringing destruction


далер: brave

Падари ман марди ҷасуру далер буд.
My father was a courageous and brave man.
Чӯпони далер ба хирс ҳуҷум кард.
The brave shepherd attacked the bear.

Synonyms: нотарс, ҷасур, шердил

далерона: bravely
далерӣ: bravery

See more Word of the Day adjectives here: Word of the Day: adjectives


баробар: equal, the same

Наврӯз — ҷашни баробар шудани рӯзу шаб ва оғози соли нав аст.
Navruz is a celebration of (the length of) the day and night becoming equal and the beginning of a new year.
Хати истиво Заминро ба ду ҳиссаи баробар тақсим мекунад: Нимкураи шимолӣ ва Нимкураи ҷанубӣ.
The equator divides the earth into two equal parts: the northern hemisphere and the southern hemisphere.

The first sentence comes from Sputnik website which has a long article about the history and traditions of Navruz.

Add the letter ӣ to change the adjective into a noun –
баробарӣ: equality

баробармаъно: having the same meaning
баробарсуръат: having the same speed


азиз: precious, dear

Душанбе шаҳри азизи ман аст.
Dushanbe is my dear city.
Ҳамаи фарзандҳо барои падару модар азизанд.
All children are precious to their mother and father.

Synonyms: гаронбаҳо, пурарзиш, гиромӣ

Азиз can also be used as a noun, a term of affection as in dear (one), sweetheart, precious (one).
Ба азизи ман, Парвина, салом гӯед.
Say hello to my sweetheart, Parvina.