мис: copper
In Samarkand they make bells from copper.
Конҳои калони мис дар Чили ва Перу мавҷуданд.
The largest copper mines are in Chile and Peru.
Resources for learning the Tajik language
This word usually takes the Arabic origin plural ending от, especially in written material.
олами ҳайвонот: animal kingdom
ҳайвоноти мӯҳрадор: vertebrates
ҳайвоноти бемӯҳра: invertebrates
ҳайвоноти алафхӯр: herbivores
ҳайвоноти дарранда: carnivores
ҳайвоноти хонагӣ: domestic animals
ҳайвоноти ёбоӣ: wild animals
ҳайвоноти ширхӯр: mammals
The sentences for today came from allinweb website – Синфи хазандаҳо. The article has loads of great reading about reptiles along with good pictures of reptiles including body parts and bones. There are lots of other great educational articles on that website too.
The plural of ҳазанда can be ҳазандаҳо or ҳазандагон. The suffix -он is used for animate nouns; when the noun ends with the letter “a” the ending is -гон.
Баҳтур (or боҳтур) is a kind of legless lizard that lives in Tajikistan and other parts of Central Asia. You can read about them here: Боҳтур.
For today, in Dushanbe from Обу ҳаво (the Weather) –
Тулӯи офтоб: 07:37 (Sunrise)
Нишасти офтоб: 17:09 (Sunset)
офтобӣ: solar, of the sun (adj.)
системаи офтобӣ: solar system
ширхӯр = шир (milk) + хӯр(from хӯрдан: to eat)
Often, especially in print, the suffix он is used to pluralize living things, thus, ширхӯрон is another way to say “mammals”.
Олами ҳайвонот: Animal Kingdom
мӯҳрадор: vertebrate
хароб: broken (it also means thin)
харобӣ: brokenness, destruction
овар from овардан: to bring
Note: There are several ways to spell some of those place names in English. I have used the spellings that show the highest on the Google search engine.
Заминларза and зилзила are synonyms.