
осмон: sky

Чашмонаш ба монанди осмони соф каб-кабуд  буданд.
Her eyes were bright blue like the clear sky.
Борон монда, осмон оҳиста-оҳиста равшан шуд.
The rain stopped, and the sky slowly became bright.

осмонранг: sky-blue colour
осмонӣ: of the sky, celestial
ҷирми осмонӣ: celestial body (planet, for example)
осмони соф: clear sky
осмонбӯс: very high (mountains, for example)

осмон баланд, замин сахт: the sky is high, the ground is hard (said when you are in a difficult situation that has no easy solution)


каб-кабуд: bright blue

Хоҳарам мӯйи дароз ва чашмони каб-кабуд дорад.
My sister has long hair and bright blue eyes.
Самад аз хунукӣ меларзид ва лабонаш каб-кабуд буданд.
Samad was shivering from the cold and his lips were bright blue.

You can also translate this as “very blue” or “deep blue”.

кабуд: blue

In Tajik when you repeat a word, or a part of a word, it accentuates the meaning of the word. Here are some more examples –
сап-сафед: very white, bright white
сип-сиёҳ: very black, the blackest black
суп-сурх: very red, bright red
заб-зард: very yellow, bright yellow
каппа-калон: very big
тип-торик: very dark
наппа-нав: brand new

Do you have another example? Leave it in the comments.

In Tajik, the plural ending for inanimate (non-living) nouns is ҳо, but there are exceptions. The plural ending for animate (living) nouns is он, and body parts that occur in pairs can also take that ending, as shown in the two example sentences.
чашмон: eyes
лабон: lips

нақл кардан

нақл кардан: to tell

Боқимондаашро пагоҳ ба шумо нақл мекунам.
I’ll tell you the rest of it tomorrow.
Ҳамаи онҳое ки шуниданд, аз он чи чӯпонон ба онҳо нақл карданд, ҳайрон шуданд.
All those who heard what the shepherds had told them, were surprised.

Synonyms: ҳикоят кардан, гуфта додан, баён намудан


оҳанин: iron (adj.)

Ин дарвозаи оҳанин аст.
This is an iron gate.a
Дар Осиёи Миёна, дар асри якум, шамшерҳои дарози дудамаи оҳанин истифода мебурданд.
In Central Asia, in the first century, they used long double-edged iron swords.

оҳан: iron (noun)

You can add the suffix ин to some nouns to make them into adjectives –
санг: stone
сангин: stone (adj.), stony
ранг: colour
рангин: colourful
чирк: dirt
чиркин: dirty
чӯб: wood
чӯбин: wooden
мармар: marble
мармарин: marble (adj.), made of marble

қафаси оҳанин: iron cage
асои оҳанин: iron rod
мушти оҳани: iron fist


манъ: forbidden, prohibited

Дар назди меҳмонон дандон тоза кардан манъ аст.
Cleaning one’s teeth in front of guests is forbidden.
Дар сарҳад сурат гирифтан манъ аст!
Taking pictures at the border is prohibited!

манъ кардан: to prohibit, to forbid


киштукор: farming, agriculture

Бахор омад ва киштукор сар шуд.
Spring came and the farming began.
Дар водиҳои Осиёи Миёна бо киштукор ва чорводорӣ машғул буданд.
In the valleys of Central Asia they were occupied with agriculture and raising animals.

Synonym: деҳқонӣ

Киштукор is a compound word made from the stem of the verb киштан (to sow), y (and) and кор (work).

киштукори баҳорӣ: spring farming


боқимонда: remaining, leftover

Бо пули боқимонда шоколад харид.
With the remaining money he bought chocolate.
Нонпораҳои боқимондаро ҷамъ кунед.
Gather the leftover pieces of bread.

Synonyms: пасмонда, зиёдатӣ

боқӣ мондан: to remain

When forming the compound word, боқимонда, from боқӣ мондан, the letter ӣ at the end of боқӣ is replaced with the letter и because the letter ӣ cannot occur in the middle of a word.


китобхонӣ: reading (books)

Китобхониро дуст медорад.
He loves reading.
Агар чашматон аз китобхонӣ монда шавад, панҷ то даҳ дақиқа дам гиред.
If your eyes get tired from reading, rest for five to ten minutes.

Derived from –
китоб хондан: to read (books)

The verb хондан can mean to read or to study. Adding the word китоб (book) makes it clear that the sentence is talking about reading and not studying. To translate into English it is not always necessary to use the word “book”.

In the first sentence китобхонӣ is the object of the verb, so it needs to take the object marker ро. Notice that when the object marker ро is added, the last letter ӣ is changed to и. The letter ӣ can not be in the middle of a word.

ба назар

ба назар: in (one’s) view, in (one’s) opinion

Ба назари шумо, кадомаш дурусттар аст?
In your view, which is more correct?
Ба назарам, зимистони имсола чандон хунук нашуд.
In my opinion, this year’s winter was not very cold.

Synonyms: ба фикр

As you can see in the sentences, you can combine ба назар with the personal pronoun or the personal pronoun suffix.
ба назарам, ба назари ман: in my view, in my opinion
ба назаратон, ба назари шумо: in your view, in your opinion
ба назарамон, ба назари мо: in our view, in our opinion


хуб: good

Вай ҳақиқатан зиндагии хуб дорад.
He truly has a good life.
Ҳар дарахте ки меваи хуб наоварад, бурида ва ба оташ партофта мешавад.
Every tree that does not produce good fruit will be cut down and thrown in the fire.

Synonyms: нағз, нек
Antonym: бад

хубтар: better
хубтарин: best
хубӣ: goodness
