Tag: place
токзор: vineyard
Today go and work in my vineyard.
Ҳар оила ҳавлӣ бо хонаи дуқабата ва дар гирду атрофи он заминҳои кишт ва токзору боғот дошт.
Every family had a yard with a two-story house and around it they had agricultural fields and vineyards and gardens.
ток: grape vine
токбурӣ: vine pruning
-зор is a suffix indicating a place with a lot of something
алафзор: meadow, grasslands
гулзор: flower garden
регзор: sandy area, desert
пахтазор: cotton plantation
таваққуфгоҳ: parking lot
This year in the city of Dushanbe the building of sixty parking lots has been planned.
Сохтмони таваққуфгоҳ дар назди биноҳои навбунёд ҳатмист.
Building parking lots next to newly built buildings is essential.
таваққуфгоҳи зеризаминӣ: underground parking lot
таваққуфгоҳи бисёрқабата: multi-storey parking lot
таваққуфгоҳҳои пулакӣ: paid parking lot
The Russian word, стоянка, is also commonly used.
Амрикои Шимолӣ
Амрикои Шимолӣ: North America
North America is rich in underground resources.
Шумораи аҳолии Амрикои Шимолӣ кариб 580 миллион нафар аст.
The population count of North America is nearly 580 million people.
Сарватҳои зеризаминӣ is often translated as “mineral resources”.
Other continents:
Африқо: Africa
Амрикои Ҷанубӣ: South America
Австралия: Australia
Антарктида: Antarctica
Аврупо: Europe
Осиё: Asia
Саҳрои Кабир
Саҳрои Кабир: Sahara Desert
The Sahara Desert is one of the hottest deserts in the world.
Дар Африқои ҷанубӣ нисбат ба Саҳрои Кабир бориш бештар мешавад.
In southern Africa, compared to the Sahara desert, there is more precipitation.
Саҳрои Кабир can be translated as Great Desert. Кабир means great, as seen also in –
Кӯлҳои Кабири Амрикои Шимолӣ: Great Lakes of Northern America
Девори Кабири Чин: Great Wall of China
Британияи Кабир: Great Britain
Other deserts in Africa –
Саҳрои Калахари: Kalahari Desert
Саҳрои Намиб: Namib Desert
Қутби Ҷанубӣ
Қутби Ҷанубӣ: South Pole
On the 14th of December 1911, Norwegian citizen Roald Amundsen arrived at the South Pole.
Антарктида дар гирди Қутби Ҷанубӣ ҷойгир аст.
Antarctica is situated around the South Pole.
қутб: pole
ҷануб: south
Қутби Шимолӣ: North Pole
Because the word ҷануб (south) modifies the noun қутб (pole), it takes the suffix ӣ. Ҷанубӣ can also be translated “southern”. Other examples –
нимкураи ҷанубӣ: southern hemisphere
Кореяи Ҷанубӣ: South Korea
дарвозаи ҷанубӣ: southern gate
Африқои Ҷанубӣ: South Africa
Судони Ҷанубӣ: South Sudan
сарҳади ҷанубӣ: southern border
Авруосиё: Eurasia
Eurasia is the largest landmass on the surface of the earth.
Дар Авруосиё ҳам монанди Амрикои Шимолӣ кӯлҳо хеле бисёранд.
In Europe as in South America there are very many lakes.
Eurasia consists of two continents – Europe and Asia. Here is a list of all the continents.
Африқо: Africa
Амрикои Шимолӣ: North America
Амрикои Ҷанубӣ: South America
Австралия: Australia
Антарктида: Antarctica
Аврупо: Europe
Осиё: Asia
нерӯгоҳи барқи обӣ
нерӯгоҳи барқи обӣ: hydroelectric power plant
The Nurek hydroelectric power plant was built in the Vakhsh river.
Сохтмони калонтарин нерӯгоҳи барқи обӣ дар Осиёи Марказӣ – НБО Роғун соли 1976 оғоз гардида буд.
Construction of the largest hydroelectric power plant in Central Asia, Rogun HEPP, began in the year 1976.
НБО is the abbreviation for нерӯгоҳи барқи обӣ. The Russian abbreviation is ГЭС (for Гидроэлектростанция), and sometimes in Tajikistan people say the Russian abbreviation “гэс”, as a word, instead of saying нерӯгоҳи барқи обӣ.
нерӯ: power
барқ: electricity
об: water
Here water is used as an adjective which is why the letter ӣ is added to the end.
обӣ: water (adj), of water
The word гоҳ (place) is used in many compound words that are places. Here are some examples.
нерӯгоҳ: power plant; power station
хобгоҳ: dormitory
паноҳгоҳ: shelter
истгоҳ: station
даромадгоҳ: entrance
United States of America
Иёлоти Муттаҳидаи Амрико аз пуриқтидортарин давлатҳои дунё ба ҳисоб меравад.
The United States of America is considered to be one of the most powerful countries in the world.
Иёлоти Муттаҳидаи Амрико аз шарқ бо уқёнуси Атлантика ва аз ғap6 бо уқёнуси Ором, дар шимол бо Канада ва дар ҷануб бо Мексика хамсарҳад мебошад.
The United States of America borders the Atlantic Ocean on the east, the Pacific Ocean on the west, Canada on the north and Mexico on the south.
Unusual plural form.
иёлат: state
иёлот: states
If you want to learn more country names, there is a good list on this Wikipedia page: Country Names.
осорхона: museum
Have you seen the museum?
Ню-Йорк дорои чандин театру осорхонаҳои таърихию фарҳангӣ мебошад.
New York has several theatres and museums of history and culture.
Synonym: музей
осорхонаи таърихӣ: history museum
осорхонаи фарҳангӣ: cultural museum
осорхонаи миллии Тоҷикистон: national museum of Tajikistan
осорхонаи миллии бостоншиносӣ: national museum of archaeology
In the second sentence, notice that the word театр doesn’t have the plural ending. In Tajik, when you have a list of plurals the plural ending (ҳо) only has to be on the last item in the list.