
баҳор: spring

Зимистон рафту баҳор омад.
Winter left and spring came.
Баҳор яке аз фаслҳои зеботарини сол мебошад.
Spring is one of the prettiest seasons of the year

Wikipedia has a fairly easy article to read in Tajik about spring.
Here is a poem about spring from Мирзо Турсунзода:
Баҳор омад садои булбул омад,
Насими фораму бӯи гул омад.
Либоси сабзро саҳро ба бар кард,
Кулоҳи сап сафед олу ба сар кард.


гӯсфанд: sheep

Мурод ба ҷустуҷӯи гӯсфандон даромад.
Murod went out to look for his sheep.
Моҳи декабр 1 кило гӯшти гов 30 ва 1 кило гӯшти гӯсфанд 32 сомонӣ арзиш дошт.
In December 1 kilo of beef cost 30 Somoni and 1 kilo of mutton cost 32 Somoni.

In speech, to make something plural the suffix -ҳо is usually added , but in written Tajik for animate objects (living things) the suffix -он is usually used.
In English we have words for different kinds of meat, like beef and mutton; but in Tajik they just say cow meat and sheep meat.


рӯз: day

Ҳафта аз ҳафт рӯз иборат аст.
A week is made up of seven days.
Сагам рӯз то рӯз калон мешуд.
My dog got bigger day by day.
Худи ҳамон рӯз баъди нишастани офтоб ману Зебӣ ба деҳаи мо расида омадем.
That very day after sunset Zebi and I arrived at our village.

How about a song to listen to or download? Ин аст рӯзе – This is the day.


саёҳат: trip, journey

Агар ҳаво нағз шавад, мо ба саёҳат меравем.
If the weather is nice we will go on a trip.
Бачаҳо хурсанд буданд, ки муаллим онҳоро ба саёҳат мебарад.
The children were happy that the teacher would take them on a trip.

The suffix -чӣ can be added to a noun to form a new noun that is a type of person. Саёҳатчӣ is therefore a traveler or tourist.
Adding suffixes is a great way to increase your vocabulary. Check out lots more examples on this pdf: Expand Your Vocabulary – Suffixes.


кӯҳсор: mountains

Дар кӯҳсор ҳайвоноти ваҳшӣ: гург, рӯбоҳ, хирс ва бабрҳо мешаванд.
In the mountains are wild animals: wolves, foxes, bears and tigers.
Мо имрӯз ба сайри кӯҳсор меравем.
Today we are going for a walk in the mountains.

Adding the suffix -зор, -сор, -истон to a noun forms a noun for a place. Кӯҳ is mountain, so кӯҳсор is “the place of mountains” which could also be translated as “mountainous region”, “highlands”, or simply “mountains”.
Кӯҳистон is a synonym for кӯҳсор. It would be interesting to find out if they have slightly different meanings or if they are completely interchangeable.


ситора: star

Осмон пур аз ситора аст.
The sky is full of stars.
Офтоб яке аз миллиардҳо ситораҳое, ки галактикаи Роҳи Каҳкашонро ташкил медиҳад.
The sun is one of the billions of stars that make up the Milky Way galaxy.

The word “ситора” can also be used for someone famous, as in a music star or a film star.
The Tajik word for “astronomer” is “ситорашинос”, or one who knows the stars. Likewise, “astronomy” is “ситорашиносӣ”, or knowing the stars.


пӯлод: steel

Милтиқу тӯп аз пӯлод сохта мешаванд.
Guns and cannons are made from steel.
Корду қайчӣ низ аз пӯлод сохта мешаванд.
Knives and scissors are also made from steel.

If you want to ask what something is made from you can do it like this:
Корду қайчӣ аз чӣ сохта мешавад?
What are knives and scissors made from?