бемислу монанд

бемислу монанд: unique, unequaled, unmatched

Маҷмааи “Кохи Наврӯз” дар ҷаҳон бемислу монанд буда, бо усули меъмории миллӣ бунёд шудааст.
The Kokhi Navruz Complex is unique in the world and was constructed with national architectural methods.
Қариб 400 ҳазор ҷанговари беҳтарин бо ҷасорати бемислу монанд меҷангиданд.
Nearly 400,000 excellent warriors fought with unmatched bravery.

Synonyms: беҳамто, бемисл, бемонанд, нестандарҷаҳон

мисл: alike, similar
монанд: alike, similar

In Tajik, two words with similar meaning can be connected with the word “and” (у) to give emphasis.

The first sentence comes from an article about the Kokhi Navruz complex in Dushanbe. You can read the article here: Кохи Наврӯз.

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