волидайн: parents
Таълиму тарбияи фарзанд вазифаи асосии волидайн аст.
Teaching and raising a child is the main job of parents.
Аксарияти волидайн ба рафтору кирдори фарзанди худ аҳамияти ҷиддӣ намедиҳанд.
Most parents don’t pay serious attention to the behaviour of their own child.
Teaching and raising a child is the main job of parents.
Аксарияти волидайн ба рафтору кирдори фарзанди худ аҳамияти ҷиддӣ намедиҳанд.
Most parents don’t pay serious attention to the behaviour of their own child.
Notice the same three root consonants (в, л, д) as in таваллуд (birth).
It is more common when speaking to say модару падар (mother and father) than it is to say волидайн.
Notice the same three root consonants (в, л, д) as in таваллуд (birth).
It is more common when speaking to say модару падар (mother and father) than it is to say волидайн.