коргар: worker
Дарав бисёр аст, лекин коргарон кам.
The harvest is great, but the workers are few.
Соли 1834 дар Лион шӯриши дуюми коргарон ба амал омад.
In the year 1834 in Lyon the second uprising of the workers took place.
The harvest is great, but the workers are few.
Соли 1834 дар Лион шӯриши дуюми коргарон ба амал омад.
In the year 1834 in Lyon the second uprising of the workers took place.
Synonym: меҳнаткаш
кор: work
Adding the suffix -бон, -гар, -гор, -кор, or –чӣ to a noun forms a new noun that is a type of person. Some examples –
ҷиноят: crime
ҷинояткор: criminal
миз: table
мизбон: host
ҳимоя: defense
ҳимоягар: defender
хиёнат: betrayal
хиёнатчӣ: traitor
See more examples here: Expand Your Vocabulary: Suffixes