
кӯл: lake

Аксарияти кӯлҳои Австралия норавон ва шӯранд.
Most of the lakes in Australia are still and salty.
Дар сарҳади ИМА бо Канада системаи калони кӯлҳои ҷаҳон – Кӯлҳои Бузург ҷойгир шудаанд.
On the border of the USA with Canada the largest system of lakes in the World, the Great Lakes, is situated.

Most lakes in Tajikistan have the suffix кӯл as part of the name, for example, Искандеркӯл, which is Lake Alexander. When we translate it into English we leave the кӯл in the name, but also add the word “lake”.
Искандеркӯл: Lake Iskanderkul
Зоркӯл: Lake Zorkul
Қарокӯл: Lake Qarokul, (or Lake Karakul)

Tiroz website has a nice, short article about the lakes of Tajikistan: Кӯлҳои Тоқикистон

Other bodies of water:
дарё: river
ҳавзаи дарё: river basin
дарёча: stream
уқёнус: ocean
баҳр: sea
шохоб: tributary
шаршара: waterfall
пирях: glacier
кӯли сунъӣ: artificial lake

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