муҳимтарин: most important
Тозагии пӯст яке аз шартҳои муҳимтарини саломатии одам мебошад.
Cleanliness of the skin is one of the most important conditions of human health.
Пахта яке аз муҳимтарин ва қадимтарин растании нахдору равғандиҳанда ба ҳисоб меравад.
Cotton is considered one of the most important and most ancient fibrous and oil-yielding plants.
Cleanliness of the skin is one of the most important conditions of human health.
Пахта яке аз муҳимтарин ва қадимтарин растании нахдору равғандиҳанда ба ҳисоб меравад.
Cotton is considered one of the most important and most ancient fibrous and oil-yielding plants.
муҳим: important
муҳимтар: more important
Other words with the suffix тарин –
чуқуртарин: deepest
қадимтарин: oldest, most ancient
For more help with comparatives and superlatives see this worksheet: Comparatives and Superlatives