
мӯзадӯз: bootmaker

Мӯзадӯз мӯза медӯзад.
A bootmaker makes (sews) boots.
Ӯ дар ғарби Эрон дар хонаводаи мӯзадӯз ба дунё омадааст.
He was born into the household of a bootmaker in the west of Iran.

мӯза: boot
дӯхтан: to sew (stem is дӯз)
мӯзадӯзӣ: bootmaking

Some other compound words using дӯз, the present stem of дӯхтан –
абрешимдӯз: silk sewer, one who sews silk
гулдӯз: one who embroiders patterns on fabric
зардӯз: one who sews designs on fabric with gold thread
кафандӯз: one who sews burial clothes
кафшдӯз, пойафзолдӯз: shoe maker
хаймадӯз: tentmaker

Article and video about a bootmaker in Tajikistan: Мӯзадӯзи мақомот

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