
омӯзондан: to teach

Бачаҳоро дарси аспсаворӣ, шамшерзанӣ ва ғайраҳо меомӯзониданд.
They would teach their children horse riding, sword fighting and other things.
Ӯ ба онҳо риштаресӣ, матоъбофӣ, либосдӯзӣ омӯзонд.
He taught them spinning, weaving and garment making.

In Tajik a causative verb is formed by  inserting он into another verb. So, омӯзондан means “to cause to learn” or “to make (someone) learn”. Often there are two forms of the word; in this case омӯзондан and омӯзонидан. These two words are identical in meaning. The first sentence uses the second form of the word.
The Tajik verb without the causative он addition is омӯзидан (to learn), but this is rarely used. Another form of the word омӯхтан is the commonly used form.

Here are some other examples of causative verbs.
фаҳмидан: to understand
фаҳмондан: to explain (to make someone understand)
хӯрдан: to eat
хӯрондан: to feed (someone else)
кӯчидан: to move
кӯчондан: to make someone move, to evict
пӯшидан: to put on (an item of clothing)
пӯшондан: to dress (someone else)
тарсидан: to be scared
тарсондан: to scare (someone else)

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