пой: foot, leg
Дастҳо ва пойҳои худро ба онҳо нишон дод.
He showed them his hands and his feet.
Фил пойҳои ғафс, гушҳои калон, чашмони хурд, хартуми дароз, думи кӯтоҳи борик дорад.
An elephant has thick legs, large ears, small eyes, a long trunk and a short, thin tail.
He showed them his hands and his feet.
Фил пойҳои ғафс, гушҳои калон, чашмони хурд, хартуми дароз, думи кӯтоҳи борик дорад.
An elephant has thick legs, large ears, small eyes, a long trunk and a short, thin tail.
Alternate spelling: по
По(й) means both leg and foot.
пойи луч: barefoot
сар то по: head to foot; beginning to end; completely
Tajik saying –
Аввал бубин ҷои худ, баъд бимон пои худ.
First see your place, then put your foot. Or, don’t get yourself into a situation that you shouldn’t be in.