
сирк: circus

Гурӯҳи ҳунарии сирки Тошканд ба Душанбе омад.
The skillful circus group of Tashkent came to Dushanbe.
Сирки Тошканд аз 31-уми декабр то 31-уми январ дар толори Сирки давлатии Душанбе баргузор мешавад.
The Tashkent circus will take place from 31st of December to 31st of January in the Dushanbe’s circus hall.

In the days of the USSR the Russian word for circus, цирк, was more common in Tajikistan, but Tajiks are now more likely to use сирк. The tripadvisor website has some before and after pictures of the name change on the circus building: State Tajikistan Circus.

Read a short article about the circus coming to town here: Сирки Тошканд дар Душанбе

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