соли равон

соли равон: current year

Аз оғози соли равон дар Тоҷикистон беш аз як миллион тонна ангишт истихроҷ шуд.
From the beginning of the current year in Tajikistan more than one million tons of coal has been extracted.
Варзишгарони тоҷик дар Бозиҳои XVIII тобистонаи осиёӣ, ки аз 18-уми август то 2-юми сентябри соли равон баргузор мешавад, ширкат меварзанд.
Tajik athletes will participate in the 18th Summer Asian Games, which will take place from 18th August until 2nd September of this current year.

The word равон is from the verb рафтан, to go. It means flowing or running, that is “in the act of going”.

оби равон: running water

You can read more about the Asian Games here, Бозиҳои Осиёӣ, where you can also find today’s second sentence.

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