тавонистан: to be able
Шумо шино карда метавонед? Ҳа метавонам.
Сan you swim? Yes I can. (Are you able to swim. Yes, I am able.)
Ман метавонам ба шумо пул диҳам.
I can give you money. (I am able to give you money.)
Сan you swim? Yes I can. (Are you able to swim. Yes, I am able.)
Ман метавонам ба шумо пул диҳам.
I can give you money. (I am able to give you money.)
The second sample sentence could also be written like this:
Ман ба шумо пул дода метавонам.
Colloquially, the letters ав are often dropped. So the first example would be:
Шумо шино карда метонед? Ҳа метонам.
From the same root, тавоно is an adjective that means “able”, and is sometimes translated as “powerful” or “capable”.
The second sample sentence could also be written like this:
Ман ба шумо пул дода метавонам.
Colloquially, the letters ав are often dropped. So the first example would be:
Шумо шино карда метонед? Ҳа метонам.
From the same root, тавоно is an adjective that means “able”, and is sometimes translated as “powerful” or “capable”.