тобистон: summer
Тобистон баъд аз фасли баҳор ва пеш аз фасли тирамоҳ меояд.
Summer comes after spring and before autumn (fall).
Имсол тобистон хеле гарм мешавад.
This year summer will be very hot.
Summer comes after spring and before autumn (fall).
Имсол тобистон хеле гарм мешавад.
This year summer will be very hot.
If you need to learn or practice words related to months and seasons you can check out this:
Memrise – Tajik Months and Seasons.
(You have to join Memrise, but it’s completely free.)
You can change this noun to an adjective by adding the letter а to get тобистона.
e.g. либоси тобистона – summer clothes
If you need to learn or practice words related to months and seasons you can check out this:
Memrise – Tajik Months and Seasons.
(You have to join Memrise, but it’s completely free.)
You can change this noun to an adjective by adding the letter а to get тобистона.
e.g. либоси тобистона – summer clothes