уқоб: eagle
Уқоб парандаи бузургҷусса ва баландпарвоз, ки ҷонварҳои хурдро шикор мекунад.
An eagle is a large-bodied and high-flying bird that hunts small animals.
Рӯзе аз лонаи уқоб, ки дар қуллаи баландтарини кӯҳ ҷойгир буд, тухме ба замин афтод.
One day from an eagle’s nest, which was on the top of the highest mountain, an egg fell to the ground.
An eagle is a large-bodied and high-flying bird that hunts small animals.
Рӯзе аз лонаи уқоб, ки дар қуллаи баландтарини кӯҳ ҷойгир буд, тухме ба замин афтод.
One day from an eagle’s nest, which was on the top of the highest mountain, an egg fell to the ground.
Some other birds:
гунҷишк: sparrow
мурғобӣ: duck
мурғ: chicken
қу: swan
бум: owl
тӯтӣ: parrot
шутурмурғ: ostrich
кабк: partridge
лаклак: stork
булбул: nightingale
The second sentence is the beginning of a short story about an eagle that was raised with chickens. You can read it here: Уқоб ва мурғҳо