шамшерзанӣ: sword fighting, swordsmanship
Падарам дар ҷавониаш ба варзиши шамшерзанӣ машғул буд.
My father was involved in the sport of sword-fighting in his youth.
Аспсаворӣ, тирандозӣ ва шамшерзанӣ вазифаи ҳар як мард буд.
Horse riding, archery and swordsmanship was the job of every man.
My father was involved in the sport of sword-fighting in his youth.
Аспсаворӣ, тирандозӣ ва шамшерзанӣ вазифаи ҳар як мард буд.
Horse riding, archery and swordsmanship was the job of every man.
This word is formed from –
шамшер: sword
зан: present tense stem of the verb задан, to hit
ӣ: suffix
шамшерзан: sword-fighter, swordsman