якчанд: several
Ман аз дӯкон якчанд китоб харидам.
I bought several books from the shop.
Дар Тоҷикистон якчанд намуди тортанакҳои калон вомехӯранд.
In Tajikistan you can find several types of large spiders.
I bought several books from the shop.
Дар Тоҷикистон якчанд намуди тортанакҳои калон вомехӯранд.
In Tajikistan you can find several types of large spiders.
Synonyms: як миқдор, чандин
якчанд рӯз пеш: several days ago
якчандсоатӣ: several hours (2-3 hours) at a time
The verb вохӯрдан in the second sentence means “to meet” or perhaps better, “to come across”.