ҳар гуна

ҳар гуна: every kind

Дар ин боғ ҳар гуна меваҳо: себ, анор, зардолу, шафтолу ва нок ҳаст.
In this garden is every kind of fruit: apple, pomegranate, apricot, peach and pear.
Аз ҳар гуна бадӣ худдорӣ кунед.
Abstain from every kind of evil.

Today’s Word of the Day is really two words, but they often go together.
ҳар – every, all
гуна – kind, sort
Synonyms: ҳар хел, ҳар навъ
Ҳар is combined with other words and it is worth it to read through them in a good dictionary. Here are a couple of examples:
ҳар тараф – every side
ҳар куҷо – everywhere

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